Coding, A Guide for those who don’t know what they know🤔

Sparta Coding Club
6 min readMar 31, 2023

The importance of coding these days is not exaggerated to say that it is “21st century English.” Every industry is accelerating its digital transformation, and companies are going crazy because they can’t find developers. But what exactly is coding?

This article is a guide for those who “don’t know what they don’t know” about coding. Starting from the meaning of coding, we will take a glimpse into the world of developers and then explore where to start learning coding. And what impact you can make with coding.

I roughly understand the feeling of coding, but I don’t know exactly what it does.

After reading this article, you will be able to…

Understand terms like coding, Java, and frameworks that you pretended to know. Know where to start learning coding.

Table of Contents
· Programming Languages and Frameworks
· If you want to become a developer: Front-end? Back-end?
· How should I start coding?
· Learning to code can lead to “big things”

What are you reading this article on? A PC? A smartphone? They may look slightly different, but most likely you are using a computer. Let’s start from here.

A computer may look complex, but it is essentially a collection of various parts. An operating system is required to control these parts. It’s the foundation that allows you to communicate with your computer. Windows, Android on Galaxy, and iOS on iPhone are all operating systems. Coding is the act of giving commands to this operating system.

You may have also heard of programming. It’s not much different from coding. Excel and PowerPoint are programs that are essentially collections of codes designed to operate in the same way. Since coding is essentially the act of writing programs, it’s not a big deal to understand coding as programming. It’s like when someone asks what you’re doing and you answer “cooking” and “making rice.” There isn’t much difference.

Programming Languages and Frameworks

Just as people communicate in different languages such as English, Chinese, and French, there are also various languages used between computers and humans. These are called programming languages. If coding is giving commands to an operating system, programming languages are about which language to use for those commands.

Java, Python, C++… The identities of these mysterious creatures were languages like English, Chinese, and French.

When using programming languages to give commands to operating systems, if repetitive commands are stored for reuse, the efficiency of the task can be improved. That’s why frameworks were created. They are tools that make web development easier. Each programming language has widely used frameworks, such as “Spring” for the Java programming language.

Using a framework allows you to use the same structure and only implement additional parts related to the business logic, making rapid development possible. Another advantage is that management and testing are easy. To become a developer, you need to be proficient not only in programming languages but also in frameworks.

If programming languages are individual blocks, frameworks are pre-assembled blocks that can be quickly stacked together.

If you want to become a developer: Front-end? Back-end?

Now that you understand what coding is, let’s take a look at the world of developers. Just as when you’re leveling up your character in a game, you first choose a profession, within which there are further sub-professions, the job of a developer also has a “class tree”. The most representative way of categorizing it is into front-end and back-end.

Front-end refers to the part that is visible to the user. In a car analogy, it corresponds to the exterior. On the other hand, the back-end is the part that makes the front-end work properly. In a car analogy, it would be the engine, or in a restaurant, the kitchen. Since front-end is the part that is visible to the user, it may be well-suited for those who are good at finding user discomfort points or have a sense of design. If you are interested in systematizing abstract logic, you may find that back-end, which mainly deals with data storage and management, is a good fit for you.

The visible part to the user is called the front-end, and the part that is not visible is called the back-end.

A developer who can handle both frontend and backend at a certain level is called a “full-stack” developer. If you aim to get a job, it’s better to choose either backend or frontend to study, but if you are preparing for a startup or outsourcing, it’s also a good strategy to aim to be a full-stack developer. When you start learning to code, it’s important to experience the entire process through projects because you may not know which job you’re more interested in.

🔍If you want to know more about frontend, backend, and the languages ​​for each development field

How should I start coding?

Now you know what you don’t know about coding. Knowing what to be curious about is also the first step in learning. So, what will change when you learn to code?

You can implement long-held ideas into a website or app, automate simple repetitive tasks to escape overtime, or become the hero of high-paying salaries as a developer. In this section, let’s take a look at Sparta Coding Club’s signature courses. If you dream of new opportunities through coding, the following curriculum will be a useful roadmap to refer to.

If you are a non-major who wants to start coding, we recommend taking the comprehensive web development course first. As mentioned earlier, when you start learning to code for the first time, it’s important to experience the entire process through projects because you may not know what job you’re more interested in. The web development comprehensive course is a curriculum that focuses on growing the “muscles of coding” by experiencing from frontend to backend all at once while creating a website directly. It’s also attractive to practice the basic syntax of Python, which can be called the “English of programming languages,” through practice. If you’re looking for a verified tutorial for a complete beginner who doesn’t even know the “K” of coding, we recommend checking out the web development comprehensive course.

Once you have chosen between backend and frontend, it’s time to learn the corresponding frameworks. If you are interested in frontend development, we recommend learning React, and if you are interested in backend development, we recommend studying Spring. If you build a solid foundation by studying algorithms and language-specific syntax, it will be the icing on the cake. If you want to become a developer quickly and systematically, our Bootcamp is a good option to consider.

In addition, if you want to improve your data analysis skills that will immediately benefit your work, we recommend learning SQL. SQL is a programming language needed to process data stored in databases. Knowing SQL allows you to extract data from servers without relying on other developers, and even liberates you from Excel tasks.

To summarize, if you are a non-technical person who wants to start coding, we recommend taking a comprehensive web development course first. Then, if you want to become a developer, learn the frameworks in more depth. If you want to quickly build up practical data skills that can be applied to the industry, we recommend learning SQL, which is easier than Excel.

Learning to code can lead to “big things”

Coding is the most powerful tool that can have a significant impact. It’s too precious to leave as someone else’s job.

“At Team Sparta, anyone can make a big impact.” This is our motto. We believe that anyone can make a big impact by adding software skills to their life. Sparta Coding Club is not just an internet course service, but a community of people who make a big impact. Join us in a more fun and enjoyable world created by sparkling-eyed people.

Now, what you don’t know is what “big things” you will create in the future.



Sparta Coding Club

Ed-Tech company based in South Korea, teaching coding for beginners - now bringing top-quality coding education to aspiring engineers globally 🌏