Exploring Augmented Reality Magic with Cooking

AR Spatially
AR/VR Spatially
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2024

Culinary Magic: Sarah’s Dinner Date with Gordon Ramsay

Preparing a 3 course meal to impress your fiancé’s parents is no small feat, especially when the recipe involves numerous steps and multitasking and you specialise in one pot recipes or baking.

Meet Sarah, a determined home cook who found herself in this exact situation. As she meticulously navigated through the recipe, juggling the art of cutting vegetables and stirring the sauce, she couldn’t help but feel the pressure and risk of messing up this important meal. She tried setting timers, using post it notes and watching YouTube videos nut the meals were still far from perfect.

In the midst of her challenge, Sarah remembered that she is a lucky owner of AR glasses. With a single touch, she transformed her cooking experience into something truly extraordinary. Suddenly, she wasn’t alone in her kitchen.

Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash

Instead, she found herself side by side with none other than the culinary maestro himself, Gordon Ramsay. As the AR glasses projected a lifelike hologram of Gordon Ramsay, he guided Sarah through each step of the intricate recipe. His expert advice and encouraging words turned the once daunting task into an exciting culinary adventure, where following a recipes could not be more simple. Sarah marvelled at the immersive experience, as she could virtually see the ingredients come to life under Gordon’s watchful eye.

The AR glasses not only enhanced Sarah’s cooking skills but also brought an unexpected element of entertainment to the dinner preparation. Gordon Ramsay’s virtual presence transformed the kitchen into a stage where Sarah was the star performer, wowing her fiancé’s parents with her newfound culinary prowess.

In the end, the dinner was a resounding success, and Sarah’s innovative use of technology not only saved the day but also added a touch of magic to the entire experience.

When faced with a challenging recipe and the pressure to impress, a little help from AR glasses and a virtual Gordon Ramsay might be just the secret ingredient you need for a perfect meal.

As long as your hologram Gordon is nice, as he is with younger chefs, and wouldn't scream at you if you get something wrong.

Sarah might be a fictional character for now, but AR technology development can bring Sarah’s experience into your life as well. There are numerous AR software being developed in all industries from manufacturing to entertainment, and this includes cooking and other home chores/activities.

The first prototypes are still far from perfection but they can already serve as a virtual assistant, helping you follow the recipe without taking up your hands or need to look at your phone and read.

Prototype of cooking assistant IOS application Aryzon AR/MR (Showcase 2019)
Making a grill cheese sandwich with Cook Along app

This video was released in 2020, you can see that the graphics leave a great room for improvement and it is far from including holograms of real people.

Believe it or not, it’s been four years since then. It might not feel like it, but time has flown by, bringing remarkable advancements in AR technology. Today, we can effortlessly view 3D objects right from our phones, and with AR glasses, we’re seamlessly integrating augmented reality into our daily lives.

Imagine walking into your kitchen, putting on your AR glasses, and being guided step-by-step through recipes with immersive, on-screen instructions. While augmented reality culinary experiences haven’t quite reached Sarah’s extraordinary level, they’re revolutionizing the way we cook and experience food, making every meal preparation an interactive adventure.

In our app, we will allow you to combine different AR functions, from navigation to Art and discover the future of augmented reality.

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AR Spatially
AR/VR Spatially

Transforming how we engage with our surroundings through augmented reality (AR).