Best Websites to Practice Web Scraping - Blog
4 min readSep 19, 2023

What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping, commonly referred to as web harvesting or web data extraction, is a technique used to extract vast amounts of data from websites quickly. This data can be saved to your computer in a format of your choice, such as CSV or Excel, to be later analyzed or utilized as per requirements. From market research to price comparison, web scraping provides valuable insights across a myriad of domains.

Choosing Your Web Scraping Tools

Several tools, both free and paid, are available for web scraping. Beginners can start with tools like Beautiful Soup or Scrapy in Python, which offer a gentle learning curve. Those looking for a no-code solution might find platforms like Octoparse or suitable. Your choice of tool often depends on the complexity of the website and the data you aim to extract.

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Which Websites Allow Web Scraping?

It’s essential to note that not every website is open to scraping. Many sites employ anti-scraping mechanisms and terms of service that prohibit such activities. Always check the robots.txt file of a website before initiating scraping. This file lays out which parts, if any, of a website can be accessed by web crawlers or scrapers.

Why Do You Need Proxies for Web Scraping?

When you’re scraping websites, especially if you’re making numerous requests in a short time, there’s a risk of your IP address getting banned. This is where proxies come into play. Proxies mask your actual IP, allowing you to scrape data without the risk of being detected or banned. They can also help access geo-restricted content. Mobile proxies are now considered the most effective, and you know that you can buy the best mobile proxies on!

Best Websites to Practice Web Scraping

Below is a curated list of websites that are beginner-friendly and offer diverse challenges for aspiring web scrapers:


Split into “Books to Scrape” and “Quotes to Scrape,” Toscrape offers a dual experience. It is a goldmine for those aiming to practice and perfect their scraping skills. The clear demarcation of books and quotes allows users to choose their complexity level, making it versatile for both beginners and experts.

Quotes to Scrape

An interactive platform, Quotes to Scrape is all about diving into the world of famous quotes. Users get to navigate through multiple pages, search quotes based on tags, and even face login challenges, simulating real-world scenarios. The structure of the site offers varying complexity levels, making it perfect for both novices and seasoned scrapers to refine their data extraction techniques.

Books to Scrape

Emulating an online bookstore, Books to Scrape is designed to offer a hands-on experience in extracting e-commerce related data. Users can practice navigating through paginated lists, filtering data by categories, and extracting detailed product information, such as prices, ratings, and descriptions. It’s an excellent place for aspirants to grasp the challenges faced while scraping e-commerce platforms.


This platform is all about hands-on challenges. Users are introduced to a variety of datasets, ranging from countries to cars. The diversity ensures that scrapers understand the nuances of different data types and structures, preparing them for a range of real-world scraping tasks.


HTTPBin is an invaluable tool that enables users to test various HTTP requests, offering endpoints to test authentication, cookies, and more. As a playground for understanding the intricacies of HTTP requests and responses, it serves as the foundation for anyone diving deep into web development or scraping. For those learning to scrape, understanding the responses from HTTPBin can enhance their knowledge about how web servers communicate.


Not entirely a scraping platform, Mockaroo’s forte lies in generating custom datasets tailored to user needs. It presents structured data in various formats, helping users appreciate the diversity and complexity of web data. By understanding the structuring of this data, scrapers can better equip themselves to extract from more complex sites.


Remember, the primary key to becoming proficient in web scraping is practice. By starting with these platforms, you’ll encounter various scenarios that will refine your skills and make you adept at handling more complex websites in the future. Always ensure you are scraping ethically and responsibly, respecting website terms and guidelines.


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This is a blog of a mobile proxy service - Spaw. We publish useful information on scraping different sources and working with mobile proxies.