How Jon Morrow Built a Personal Brand By Blogging (Without Using His Real Name)

Speakers Institute
7 min readMar 11, 2020


Bloggers are all about personality. Many attach their brand to their personal identity. But that’s not the only way to do it. Find out how one man stood out from the crowd using the power of blogging.

Are you looking to build a personal brand? Blogging is one of the best tools out there for someone who wants to do exactly that.

One of the best examples is Jon Morrow. It’s hard to find someone more successful at blogging than Mr Blogger himself.

Jon Morrow rose above daily adversity to be one of the most recognised blogging personal brands on the internet. And despite the daily challenges he endures daily, he continues his online success. That’s why he’s the best person to learn from about blogging and business in general.

Are you ready to learn how to duplicate the methods that Mr Blogger employs to produce viral posts?

Who Is Jon Morrow?

Who is the man behind the Mr Blogger persona?

Jon Morrow is the mastermind behind popular blogs. You may recognise him from blogs like Boost Blog Traffic, SmartBlogger, and Unstoppable.

His passion is in a blog that launched in 2012. SmartBlogger, formerly known as Boost Blog Traffic, has over 100,000 email subscribers. The blog created a monthly income of $100K+ from teaching others what he does best: blogging and writing.

But who is the man behind the blogs?

Mr Blogger was born with spinal muscular atrophy. This degenerative neuromuscular disease slowly weakens the body. It leads to complete atrophy and eventually death.

He’s succeeded against the odds, though.

His entrepreneurial spirit had him programming video games at the age of 12. From video game developer to real estate developer, Jon experienced business success in different industries. But he really took off when he started writing.

He saw the perfect opportunity to reassess his career when the real estate market crashed. Though he made millions in development projects, he lost $3 million in the crash. So, it was time to redirect.

He thought to himself, “I can think, and I can talk.” With that in mind, he started blogging.

Even though the only part of his body that Jon can move are his eyes and lips, it hasn’t stopped him. Whereas most people type out their blog entries, Jon uses speech recognition technology. And it helped him build an empire.

Jon could have used his real name to start his personal brand. But he chose not to. Instead, he lets his writing speak for itself. His decision to brand his writing and the success of his blogs gives him more credibility in the industry.

And it earned him the nickname of Mr Blogger.

The Things That Helped Jon Build a Personal Brand with Blogging

Your medium may be the stage. But every influencer needs to build a personal brand. Take a look at the tips that helped Jon build a brand:

Tip #1 — What’s in a Name?

Your name labels you. But as far as the public knows, one name is as good as the next. So, you can’t rest your laurels on your name alone.

Jon created a following without ever using his real name. He built his brand around who he was as a person and what he had to offer.

Remember that a name doesn’t mean much if you don’t have the persona to back up your brand. Make sure your brand speaks about who you are and what you can teach others. Not on your name alone.

Tip #2 — Learn from the Humblest of Tasks

You may already know that there’s a lesson and learning/teaching opportunity in every experience if you’re willing to look. But how many people actually look for these learning experiences while doing grunt work?

Jon Morrow found success when he worked for Copyblogger. In this position, one of his jobs was sifting through blog posts to accept. He went through thousands of them.

But he didn’t know which were “good”. That knowledge isn’t innate. It comes from experience.

So, Jon learned from trial and error. He wrote close to 30 titles per post to find out which ones attracted an audience.

Tip #3 — Get Personal

How personal do you get with your blogs? Candidness can draw the audience in and help them empathise with you.

Jon doesn’t shy away from telling deeply personal stories in his blog posts. In fact, it’s part of his brand.

Many of his readers may not understand his exact illness. But they do understand strife.

Adversity is a great leveller. Everyone understands hardship to different degrees. And they understand triumphs, too.

Don’t shy away from telling your stories. They make you stand out from the crowd and help your audience identify with you. Suddenly, you’re a real person and not an unknown and untouchable blogger.

Tip #4 — Connect with Your Audience, Give People Hope

Jon’s personal stories are one of the reasons why his blog posts quickly became viral. He doesn’t shy away from telling people about his illness. But he also gives people hope.

His writing sends the message that anyone can succeed. And it’s that hope in the face of adversity that keeps people coming back for more.

But he doesn’t stop there. Jon also gives tips and examples to show people how to succeed. It’s not enough to say, “I overcame adversity and succeeded.” Show people how to copy your success, too.

Giving people hope and a plan is very powerful. It goes beyond platitudes about hardship and challenges. Instead, you offer hope by giving others a viable plan to follow in the footsteps of your success.

Tip #5 — Be Successful at What You’re Known For

Credibility and trustworthiness are both very important factors when establishing a brand. Without it, you’re just another person in a vast sea of people. And there’s nothing that marks you as special.

Jon knew he was special. His blogs prove that point. But he’s actually successful at what he’s known for.

The two aren’t always linked. Imagine having success for your online store but you’re trying to build a personal brand as an influencer.

The popularity may give you an audience. However, it does nothing for your credibility in the industry. When you’re a success at what you’re known for, credibility and trustworthiness come automatically.

#6 — Be My Guest

Guest posts are another great way to get your brand in front of a new audience. Jon is an advocate of guest blogging. In fact, if he had to do it all over again, he says he would focus exclusively on guest blogging.

Not only does it give you more exposure. Guest posts can also help improve your brand recognition and increase your trustworthy factor.

Jon also says that writing guest posts is a great way to gain experience as a writer. And as you know, practice makes perfect.

#7 — Engaging and Shareable Storytelling

How do you organise your blog posts? One of the reasons why Jon is so popular is because he’s a great storyteller. Great storytelling skills make ordinary posts more engaging and shareable.

For example, did you know that every story needs an enemy? This doesn’t necessarily mean that it needs to be a person.

Enemies can be thoughts, feelings, or circumstances. They may exist in the physical world or be a battle from within. These enemies build conflict and ultimately catharsis in your narration.

Remember, the protagonist always looks different when an enemy is present. When the protagonist of the story faces an enemy, it appeals to the audience’s basic emotions. And that, in turn, gives you an opportunity to evoke authenticity and empathy.

#8 — Live What You Teach

Lastly, you need to live your brand. Take a look at people who have successful personal brands. They all live what they teach.

Jon Morrow’s life story is a tale of overcoming adversity and emerging successful. He’s also very passionate about writing and blogging. And his brand reflects both aspects of himself.

Don’t just talk the talk. You need to walk the walk, too. Show your followers your authenticity because you live and breathe what you teach.

Remember that your audience can sense when you’re inauthentic. The moment that they see you as a fraud is the moment that you lose your following. So, make sure that you are your brand and your brand is you.

Personal Brands and Blogging Go Hand-in-Hand

Blogging is important to building your personal brand. You can give your audience an intimate look at who you are and what you stand for by the stories you tell.

People are more likely to remember who you are if your writing resonates with them. Jon Morrow understood this important principle. That’s why he is so successful without ever using his real name.

In addition, you need to blog a lot. You want to establish a personal brand of a successful blogger. That means that you need to write prolifically.

Also, keep in mind that the content that you post provides value to the right audience. Just like when you plan for the stage, the same amount of planning needs to go into your blogs. And don’t be afraid to get a little candid.

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