How to become an HGV driver?

Specialised Training UK
3 min readDec 6, 2019

Nowadays, there’s a huge demand for qualified HGV Drivers. The fear is that as the HGV driver retires, there won’t be enough trained drivers coming in to replace them. With the help of Specialised training academy, you can become HGV Driver. In today’s time, the haulage industry is vital to the economy, and so there’s a real opportunity for women to be involved in these operations, contributing vital skills to a male-dominant industry.

With this industry trend, this is the ideal time for you to consider a career in HGV driving. This role also provides a skill set that you can take in many directions in the future, with opportunities for your career progression. So, this article will be beneficial for you to become an HGV Driver and kick-start your driving career confidently.

How to get started as an HGV Driver?

You don’t need a degree to join this career path. To become an HGV Driver, you need to be 18 or over and hold a full car driving license. Then you can start training with a CPC course which is required for the role. You can choose any one of the professional Driver Academy and begin your career by completing 35 hours of training every five years to stay qualified, prove that you are medically fit. Also, ensure that the Driver Academy provides you with enough training to improve your driving skills and knowledge. Not only this, make sure that the academy has hired experienced trainers in this field.

What key skills do you need to become an HGV Driver?

Your skills and personality are an integral part of being a good HGV driver as having a license. In addition to excellent driving skills, you’ll need to be comfortable being on your own, by concentrating on driving for long periods. Also, learn to be polite and friendly with customers and clients. You should ensure to have previous good records to make customers believe that you are fit enough to deal with manual handling of goods.

Most importantly, you have to be a good driver for your customers. You need to be able to focus well as you will be on the road for long periods during the day and night without colleagues to keep you company. Also, you need a good understanding of road safety and how to pack and unload your HGV safely. Finally, you need to be able to complete any necessary paperwork precisely.

What do HGV Drivers do day-to-day?

The main job of HGV Drivers is to drive vehicles over 7.5 tones and transport goods to and from distribution centers, depots and warehouses. You will be responsible for any damage to the goods. So, it is best advised to complete the CPC course and improve your driving skill and be good enough to handle goods. Moreover, HGV drivers are expected to work around 42 hours a week.

In addition to driving, you’ll also be responsible for the planning your route, supervising the loading and unloading of the goods from your truck, making sure everything is stowed safely and completing paperwork. Bad weather conditions, roadwork, traffic accidents and road closures can add to the unpredictable nature of this HGV Driver job day-to-day.

Final Thoughts:

By now you would have understood the ups and downs of being HGV driver and the role of the job. So, if you want to become HGV Driver, then can reach out to HGV Apprenticeship who Helps drivers get their lorry license and gain skills to become valued members of an employer’s workforce. In addition to this, there are numerous benefits of being an HGV driver that includes Job security, the opportunity to travel, good salary, high demand for drivers, No need for a degree and Initiatives to recruit more women. Thus, HGV driving can be a fantastic way to work and live, but you have to enjoy the lifestyle of living on the road.



Specialised Training UK

Specialised Training Services: We are the UK’s Largest supplier to LGV training and Japut Approved Training center. We Provides multiple company’s license acqui