How To Lead A Happy Life

Yanin Cruz
2 min readJun 9, 2019


Happiness cannot be bought, nor can it be wagered. Many people want to be happy, they believe money is the answer. Money isn’t the answer, the answer is time.

Money means nothing if you don’t have the time to spend it, time keeps going. Time is the only thing you can’t get back, it is the most valuable thing on the planet. To be happy you have to cherish the time that you have, and spend it with the people you love and cherish.

Time is of the essence, you’re only old if you say you are, age is just a number. Time is forever, time will never stop. Happiness is not achieved through success. To be happy you must make peace with time.

Spend your time doing something that makes you happy, something that will fulfill your soul and your entire being. Take your time to meditate, stretch, or just be with your family. Do not waste time, time is not money, time is the only true thing in this world.

Thank you for reading this. Remember, time waits for no one.

