3 Best dog breeds for kids

Azka Ayaz
4 min readJun 14, 2021


According to Elizabeth Anderson(psychologist),

Nothing less than Alchemy is involved when animals and children get together and the resulting majic that has healing properties work well

Out of all the relationships your kids have,how can one deny the benefits of loyal friend like dogs who lives 24/7 close to your kid.Its the best mutual relationship .Before moving towards the best dog breeds for your child let me list benefits your kid get from this bond.

Puppies are like babies.

Just like an infant or baby needs greater care and attention, the same is the case with puppies. Engage your child in every activity related to dog and soon kid will develope a sense of responsibility towards his pet . This activity has a tangible results in growth of a child who will eventually learn how to take care of your friends,family by sensing their wants .

What Do’s and Don’t towards dog-breeds

Kids always want that they should be the center of attention to their family but when an another small pet is kept under observation of that attention seeking kid that will be the game changer . A kid learns how to behave with pet and value their friendship bond. A sense of long commitment , kindness , empathy and everyday practice of this will lead a kid towards positive grown adult . By involving with their sensitive naughty small dog they learns what to do for their pet to keep him happy like

  • Warmly greeting a dog at it’s first day
  • Making of comfortable puppy bed ,clothes etc
  • Pooch’s pad
  • Bathroom training
  • Proper food and diet

Which acts are to be unlearned

  • Harshly treating a dog
  • Get him feel lonely
  • Not a proper care

Engaging in physical activity

It is of no doubt kids now a days stick to mobiles, digital games, vedio games, and tablets. Everywhere kids are seen indulged in mobiles . Having a pet who needs attention is a key to separate them from screen.

A fun loving pet who wants to play frisbee or bone burying involve his owner to play with . Indeed, it pave a way for a kid to stay away from screen and increase their cardiovascular health and reduce anxiety.

The best dog breeds for kids are selected on the basis of the age of your child. Kid having age of 4–5 years are unable to own their pet (in that case proper checking by adult is required) Children of age 13–14 years have developed enough intelligence and abilities to train their pet. So it’s a tricky to choose which dog breeds are best for kids.

Some are listed below

1. Golden Retriever

Image taken from https://pin.it/B80y6by.

Golden retriever is a charming friend as well as quite energetic.He is muscularly more powerful as compared to other breeds . A quick learner friend who loves to take challenges and enjoys them. Isn’t it a blessing having such quick learner companion? A kid notice his pooch’s how he act at certain situation,when he becomes hungry,how much he eats and how he reacts to different situation.Yes! develop a mutual respect.

Mutt’s quirky,naughty plays make every people laugh and make a friendly zone in home. Through shiny eyes Golden expresses his feelings of being happy,naughty,playful,mischievous or hungry .

When someone comes home Golden bark but not in aggressive tone hence a social friend he is.

Before bringing him home check out this link https://grca.org/ (Golden Retriever Club of America)which gives guidance for how to train a dog, cater a dog with special diet, physical,psychological care and treatment.

2. Irish Setter

Image taken from https://pin.it/3qLioDR.

A handsome red colour puppy make best companion who likes to rest with owner in couch / bed.Kids require patience to train this pooch as their bad habits are not easy to break. But with proper care and attention it is possible. They don’t feel happy when left alone and express their grief of loneliness.

They are best game partners for child and through their crazy balls of energy motivate everyone to engage in physical activity(like fetching balls for kids etc).

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Image taken from https://pin.it/4EWE8Km

Who needs a best companion for a walk, choose King Charles breed.A beautiful creature who needs special care to maintain its beauty like proper brushing,bathing ,high quality food and with this keep a check on his nutrition ,carbs consumption to keep in a good looks.

Such a graceful, innocent-looking pooch where every heart melts off . An Obedient smart buddy needs attention .

A lap dog it is!

