Elixir code coverage with partition test

David Magalhães
2 min readMay 5, 2023

With the release of Elixir 1.10, the --partition option was added to the mix test to be able to split our test suit in runners.

For this use case, I’ve used ex_coveralls to generate the coverage report. To get the coverage for our test suite we need to export the .coverdata files for each runner, using --export-coverage option that is available since version 0.15.2

When running with partitions you need to define MIX_TEST_PARTITION environment variable with a value between 1 and 4.

# Repeat for 1 to 4
mix coveralls --partitions 4 --export-coverage "run_$MIX_TEST_PARTITION"

After each test run you will have 4 different .coverdata files inside the cover folder: run_1.coverdata, run_2.coverdata, run_3.coverdata, run_4.coverdata .

Aggregate cover data

To generate a report with these files there are two options, a simple one and a more difficult one.

Simple one

We can aggregate and export these metrics by running any kind of test. Since ExCoveralls 0.15.3 we can import coverage data from other tests using --import_cover <folder> (normally the folder would be cover ).

Since we don’t want to run any particular test again we can use the following command to not run any test but generate the coverage report.

mix coveralls --no-start --exclude test --import-cover cover

If you are just interested in the global coverage, you can extract it from coveralls.html using the following bash command:

export COVERAGE=$(cat cover/excoveralls.html | grep “percentage” | sed -n ‘2 p’ | grep -E -o ‘[0–9.]{1,5}’)

Difficult one

If for some reason you don’t want to set up everything to run mix coveralls there is another option, but keep in mind that you will need the .beam files, normally stored in _build/test/lib/<project_name>/ebin .

The following Elixir code enables you to combine all the .coverdata files in one file. It would be needed for the next command.

# Import coverdata files
|> Enum.filter(&(String.contains?(&1, ".coverdata")))
|> Enum.each(fn file ->
|> String.to_charlist()
|> :cover.import()

# Debug
|> IO.inspect()

# Export to one file

Then we can generate the coverage report with Covertool. If you have issues compiling the code, you can useREBAR="" make deps; make compile. Make sure you have OTP 25 installed.

./covertool -cover cover/all.coverdata -ebin _build/test/lib/<project_name>/ebin

This will generate a coverage.xml file with the coverage information. If you want to extract the global coverage you can use the following commands.

# Extract line-rate value from file
export COVERAGE_FLOAT=$(xq -r ‘.coverage.”@line-rate”’ coverage.xml)

# Calculate percentage
awk -vcoverage=$COVERAGE_FLOAT ‘BEGIN{print coverage*100}’


I hope you find this useful to you. Let me know if you had issues making this work on your project.

