The significance of health screening

3 min readAug 2, 2022

Knowing you have a health problem or an increased risk of having a health problem can help you make better health decisions. Health screening can detect a problem before symptoms appear. Early detection of a problem can lead to more effective treatment.

Moreover, it detects a specific condition or disease early, with no signs or symptoms. Early detection means receiving the appropriate treatment at the proper time, giving you greater control over your health.

How do you know when you should get a screening test?

When and how frequently you have screening tests may be determined by your age, gender, health status, risk factors, and the cost of testing. Based on expert recommendations, your doctor may recommend screening tests. Testing is sometimes performed as part of a routine checkup.

If you’re thinking about getting a screening test, talk to your doctor at health screening Bukit Timah. Learn about the disease, how the test works, how it can help or hurt you, and how much it costs.

You should also enquire about additional testing and follow-up required if the screening test results indicate a potential problem.

Seek clarification with your doctor about the test’s and treatment’s limitations. For example:

  • Inquire with your doctor about the disease’s treatment. There may be no treatment that alleviates symptoms or extends your life. In this case, you may decide against taking the screening test.
  • Ask some questions to your doctor about the likelihood that the test will miss a disease, show something that appears to be a disease when it isn’t, or discover a condition that will never cause a problem.

Importance of health screening

If you visit your primary care physician regularly, you’re probably used to having your blood pressure checked and blood drawn to determine your cholesterol levels.

These health screening tests help healthcare providers identify previously undetected diseases or conditions in people who are otherwise healthy and have no symptoms. The goal is to detect illnesses early so they can be treated more effectively.

So, let’s look at why health screenings are essential for you to-

  1. The awareness of one’s health

Most people carry on with their daily lives completely oblivious to the many warning signals their bodies may be sending them. This blatant ignoring of one’s health frequently leads to the deterioration of treatable conditions.

On the other hand, regular health screening with your family physician can keep you informed about the state of your health.

  1. Maintains the Immune System

Participants in regular health screenings reduce their risk of illness. This is because they have a robust immune system due to their healthy habits. As a result, they are less prone to infections and the common cold. Therefore, they can keep up with their hectic schedules.

  1. Protection from Severe Illness

Regular visits to your primary care physician will help your doctor identify any early warning signs of illness, allowing you to receive the appropriate treatment. An excellent example is recognizing and treating high blood pressure early on, so it does not worsen.

  1. Healthcare costs are reduced.

Skipping a health screening has a much higher long-term cost. Regular health screening can help you avoid costly diagnoses and treatments if you’re proactive about it. It’s preferable to having to pay a large sum later.

  1. It helps in maintaining a healthy weight.

Heart disease is more likely to affect overweight people. The doctor will also check your weight during heart screenings, and if you need to lose weight, they can, however, connect you with a nutritionist who can assist you in developing a diet plan.

  1. Check your prescriptions and medication schedules.

Your doctor will examine your medications with you to see if any are still needed. If you take multiple prescriptions, a doctor’s visit can ensure that your medications do not interact negatively or cause unexpected side effects.

  1. Making a dietary or lifestyle change

If you want to make a lifestyle change, such as quitting smoking or getting in shape, consult your primary care provider first. An expert can make recommendations for long-term changes based on your goals and the results of a thorough health screening. In this regard, you can seek treatment at health screening Bukit Timah.




SpeediMed offers full body health screening bukit timah in Singapore for preventive consideration, complete test and separating 120 minutes.