4 Benefits Of Personalized learning

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3 min readMay 4, 2020

Most educators, coaches and trainers would agree — personalized learning is the best type of learning.

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When the student is given personal direction, attention, and content catered to their specific needs, they learn more, faster. Essentially, you can achieve better outcomes with your training courses by making them more personal.

The reason personalized learning often isn’t implemented is because it takes considerably more work to develop customized content for individuals. It’s easier to create a “one-size-fits-all” syllabus for learners and teach it in a classroom setting, but with the many learning styles that exist, no curriculum is truly one-size-fits-all.

Meanwhile, e-learning initiatives make it considerably easier for you to personalize the learning experience for your learners.

Here mentioning 4 benefits of personalized learning :

Increased Engagement

One of the primary benefits of personalized learning is the ability to keep your students engaged for longer. When your students are engaged, they’ll spend more time learning, and absorb more of the information being taught. It’s hard to imagine a better outcome as an instructor.

Personification could be as simple as the ability to choose fonts, colors, and a profile picture. But it can also take more sophisticated forms. You could allow your students to decide on a specific learning path, what courses they’d like to take first, and so on. This would allow them to take a self-directed approach to their learning.

Increased Motivation

Increased engagement means increased motivation. And, with personalized learning, your students will have more freedom to choose a learning path that’s best suited to them. As result, they’ll be more invested in their own studies.

It can be challenging to motivate students. And, unmotivated students are typically troublesome, because they miss important information and spend less time studying. This results in poor performance well after the training has been completed.

It is always better to have motivated learners, as they will do a better job at work or get better grades.

Less Time Wasted

You could assess each of your students before they even begin taking courses to determine exactly what their learning needs are. This assessment could take the form of a survey or quiz that asks a series of questions to ascertain what the learner does and does not know.

Courses and training programs are often linear, sometimes forcing students to comb through large chunks of information they’re already familiar with before they can begin studying the content they truly need right now. This can waste a lot of time, and even sacrifice engagement levels.

You can cut down on wasted time by delivering relevant content to your students as needed. You can even make personal recommendations based on the quiz results.

Better Results

It’s easy to make sweeping statements about the benefits of e-learning. But if your students are more engaged, it stands to reason they will spend more time learning and absorbing the concepts you’ve developed. As result, they’ll be better prepared to handle whatever exams are waiting for them, whether it’s passing a test or clearing exams in a satisfactory manner.

Better learning leads to better results.

Final Thoughts

Personalized e-learning may require more time and effort to develop. But increasingly, it’s becoming a way of life. Students expect it. Students need it. It isn’t just a fad or a trend. Personalization is only going to increase in prominence in the years to come.

Achieving better results with your e-learning initiatives may be contingent on your ability to deliver more personalized content. Think carefully on how you are going to serve your learners and offer a better learning experience for them moving forward.

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in