4 Key Reasons Self-Study Is Important

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3 min readSep 21, 2019

In today’s digital day and age, there is plenty of information all around us, easily accessible 24/7 from the convenience of our mobile devices. Although our modern-day learning environment still values traditional classroom-based learning that features an instructor on-site, self-learning has also become an equally essential supplemental tool since it yields wonderful results. Let’s take a closer look at four primary reasons why self-study is so important in an academic context –

1. It Inculcates Discipline & Boosts Self-Esteem

Learning how to sift through an overwhelming amount of information, evaluating what’s relevant, managing your time so you don’t get too carried away and refraining from succumbing to other distractions in the process — i.e. Facebook, Instagram, games — requires a whole lot of discipline and self-motivation from the student’s end so they don’t lose sight of their primary goal — to learn, especially when they are preparing for difficult milestones like the NCERT syllabus, ICSE board or CBSE syllabus. Building such discipline not only boosts self-esteem, it proves very handy in the long-run in other areas of life, too, including the workplace, where one must be an effective self-starter who can function without much direct supervision.

2. It Improves Problem-Solving

Self-learning can be a series of trial-and-error — a student must set their own goals, figure out how to track progress and understand how to manage their time wisely. In essence, self-learning helps a student problem-solve independently, without hand-holding. This requires adaptability and active engagement — the student has to be proactive at every step of the way, rather than receiving everything on a silver platter.

3. It Makes Learning Relevant

When a student takes charge of the process, it becomes enjoyable because they are in full control — hence, each new learning, each new discovery, each new victory feels exciting. Most importantly, learning becomes highly relevant — a student can delve as deep as they want to in areas that truly spark their interest; this offers opportunities to uncover their true professional calling, in the process.

4. It Is A Customizable Experience

The beauty of self-learning and online tuition is that it can happen at the precise pace that suits each individual learner. Furthermore, there are so many modes of learning to pick from that a student doesn’t have to put up with a tool that isn’t effective for them — YouTube. E-books. Webinars. Online workshops. The options are endless! Most importantly, self-learning can be tailored to fit into each student’s unique schedule — resources are available ‘round the clock!

Indeed, self-study is a great way to not only boost comprehension of material initially presented in the classroom, it also prepares students for the real world by equipping them with skillsets that are invaluable. At SpeedLabs, our hybrid learning platform is the perfect balance of technology-driven self-study, one-on-one mentoring from seasoned instructors and practice tests that identify weak spots so they are fully addressed in a timely fashion.

To find out more, contact us at info@speedlabs.in. Also stay updated with latest solutions, discussions, tips and tricks to score big in exams by subscribing to our youtube channel

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in