5 Useful Tips To Score 300+ Marks In Biology In NEET

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4 min readFeb 28, 2020

Every year, more than 10 lakh students sit for the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) in the hope that they will get 1 out of the 1 lakh seats available in India’s premier medical and dental colleges. It goes without saying that competition for a medical seat is quite stiff and thus, cracking the NEET exam is an extremely important step.

The NEET exam comprises of 3 sections — physics, chemistry and biology, with 180 questions to be completed in 180 minutes. The biology section of the paper has the maximum number of questions (around 90) and is one of the most significant scoring sections, but it is not given the due time and dedication it requires from the students. Why? Because most of the NEET aspirants tend to focus on the physics and chemistry sections, which are math-based and thus difficult and time-consuming. If you are preparing for the NEET, then read on as we explain how you can score more than 300 in biology and get that coveted medical seat you’ve been dreaming of!

How To Score Well In Biology In The NEET?

Biology obviously holds an important place in the field of medicine, which is why it is a key area medical aspirants are tested on during the NEET. Since many students neglect the study of biology in favor of more difficult seeming subjects like physics and chemistry, they tend to only manage to score somewhere between 200–250 marks in biology and lose out on a medical seat. By concentrating on biology more, students can easily score above 300, which will pull up their total score and ensure admission in any of the best medical colleges. Here are five tips to improve biology scores in the NEET.

  1. Highlight Important Topics

The biology section in the NEET consists of questions from both conceptual biology and factual biology. These categories have a few important topics which are always tested in the NEET and thus need to be prepared for thoroughly. As a first step, make a list of these important topics and then diligently tackle each of them in-depth.

  1. Clarity In Concepts

Biology is more about learning processes and names, unlike physics and chemistry, which rely heavily on math. Due to the nature of this subject, it is imperative that you are clear on the basic concepts . The NEET paper usually has questions that combine one or more concepts together — this can confuse you if you do not resolve all conceptual doubts with your teachers or coaches beforehand. At SpeedLabs, our coaches make sure students adopt the mantra of practice makes perfect at the very foundational level — they only move on to the next difficulty level after attaining mastery in the previous one.

  1. Mock Tests & Revisions

As with any competitive exam, mock tests help students differentiate between gaining knowledge and applying knowledge. It is easy to study and remember core concepts, but their application is even more important. Mock tests help a student to evaluate their level of understanding and show them their weak points, which need to be brushed up. Regular revisions of important points and chapters will help you retain knowledge better. Mock tests also aid in building time management skills — remember, you will only have a limited amount of time to completing the NEET! At SpeedLabs, we have come up with a winning coaching strategy that uses AI to pin-point patterns that can jeopardize exam performance, as well as areas that have learning gaps, which need to be addressed in a timely manner. The truth is it’s not about studying hard — it’s about studying smartly!

  1. When To Attempt The Biology Section In The NEET

More than 6 out of 10 students who sit for the NEET attempt the physics and chemistry sections of the paper before turning their minds to biology. This is the wrong approach. We recommend aiming to complete the biology section of the paper within the first 45 minutes, which will ensure at least 300+ marks. The rest of the 135 minutes should be divided among chemistry and physics, which require calculations. By finishing the easy and most scoring section of the paper first, you are assured of getting a better score.

  1. NCERT Books Are The Key

It is difficult to fathom, but the NEET exam questions are completely based on the class XI and XII’s science syllabus. Therefore, science NCERT books are the key to scoring well in this important exam — they explain all the concepts in an easy manner, which can be learned quickly if you are pressed for time. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to read and understand the course books thoroughly. Only after going through the NCERT books should you consider reading other reference books.

The perfect score for the biology section of NEET is 360 — i.e. 90 questions x 4 marks each. This is certainly hard to achieve. Therefore, each student should aim to at least answer 80 questions correctly, which will lead to a score of 320 and pull up the total NEET score. We are not advocating that physics and chemistry are not important, but we recommend more emphasis is given to the study of biology for getting a competitive score. Test smartly!

If you would like to find out how SpeedLabs tech-hybrid coaching strategy will help you excel in the NEET exam, or how to improve your performance in biology, in general, contact our team at:

1800–419–8902 (Toll Free) or email us at : info@speedlabs.in

All the best ! Keep Shining !

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in