7 tips to strategize your study pattern to score well

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3 min readAug 29, 2020

“Do it once, roll in the hay right. Everything you would like is out there expecting you, but you’ve got to require actions to realize it.”

Giving an examination for a toddler is usually an Achilles’ heel. In spite of normal practice regimes and innumerable practice tests undertaken, those 2–3 hours become a humongous task. Students succumb to the strain of examination which is thanks to the fear of underperformance.

Thus, you would like strategies which not only assist you to attain well but also reduce examination related stress.

Check out the following pointers to attain high in exams and be stress-free:

  1. Follow a schedule

Develop a study plan by making a strict schedule and cling thereto the maximum amount as possible. Identify your goal in concrete terms and put it in writing to strengthen your resolve.

Remember this is often not only a tutorial challenge; it’s your job in life immediately. Make it a successful and enjoyable year!

  1. Have a positive attitude

Adopt a positive attitude as this may upgrade your energy levels and keep you charged up for the examination. determine if you’re a visible, auditory, or kinaesthetic learner. This self-knowledge can assist you make simpler use of some time.

Optimism creates a perfect environment for happiness and positivity influences the success rate of any goal you’ll have. By being optimistic, you’ll be ready to dedicate the mind to conscious awareness and enhance the power to focus.

Have a positive future vision. Keep faith in God and yourself. Be focused, stay focused, don’t forget your real goal.

  1. Avoid peer pressure

Peer pressure may lead you to follow what your peers feel right. Their pressure may compel you to travel by everything they think is true and you would possibly desire following their study pattern too.

Hence, stick with the life-style you follow comfortably and stick with your plans that are consistent with your capacity. Model a positive, encouraging attitude altogether that you simply say, do, and believe.

  1. concentrate

Pay attention within the class and consider the themes. This may assist you achieve a high score.

Make it a habit to form notes while studying. don’t skip homework because it helps to strengthen the concept that wipes out the category.

  1. stick with your syllabus

Do not use many reference books. Being thorough with the NCERT should be the primary prerogative as these books are enough for you to clear your concepts and canopy the entire syllabus at a faster pace.

  1. Practice more and relax

Solve previous years’ question papers. Make a note of your mistakes and learn from them.

Do not dump everything into your mind just by reading before the exam, it’ll not help rather wash away things learnt earlier. Remember, your mind is sort of a pen drive, it’s a limited space.

Get proper sleep before the examination and stay calm. Keep yourself hydrated to organize your body and mind for the exam pressure.

Do not eat anything heavy before the examination because it causes you to feel lazy.

  1. Write neatly and punctiliously

Write neatly within the answer sheet. A well-presented paper always impresses the examiner. Before writing, read through the question paper and its instructions carefully.

Leave space after every answer, divide your long answers into meaningful paragraphs, and underline details. This breaks the monotony.

Always illustrate your answers with diagrams and flowcharts wherever required. Don’t leave any question undone. Keep ten minutes to review all of your answers after completing the test paper.

Keep Shining !

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in