A parent’s perspective on EdTech and Learning

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4 min readNov 19, 2021

Today’s classrooms are more advanced and equipped than ever before!

We live in the 21st century where Information Technology has spread its roots everywhere, including traditional classrooms. EdTech is a crucial part of this technology, and we can use it for more engagement among students.

Role of parents in EdTech

Often, the role of teachers and administrators is appreciated when it comes to teaching students with EdTech. But they alone do not contribute to the EdTech Train, and parents are equally important for students to enjoy the benefits of this technology. Hence, in this blog, we will be discussing the role of parents towards successful Education Technology.

64% of parents acknowledge that tech integration has transformed the way teachers teach and students learn!

Let us have a look at other statistics too:

  • This study was taken in a metropolitan city. Almost three-fourths of the entire parent community was of the view that their children are comfortable with the immersion of Technology in Education. A maximum of them wanted this to be implemented everywhere, even after school hours. The extension will increase learning time for sure.
  • Apart from this, most of the parents wanted to learn more about Different technologies used in education as they were very enthusiastic about their child’s future.
  • While some parents are still in a dilemma whether EdTech is beneficial or not, and even if it is, how will it affect the children?

Let us understand this with the help of a survey conducted.

  • Growing EdTech
  1. Around 67% of parents agree that the use of technology in schools has increased.
  2. 64% of them say that EdTech is an integral part of the school curriculum.
  • Promising EdTech
  1. 85% of parents agree that EdTech is very promising and can change the learning pattern completely.
  2. 78% take EdTech as a medium that is the best choice for practical learning and effective results.
  • Problem Solving using EdTech
  1. 90% of the parents consider EdTech as a medium that teaches how to deal with real-life problems.
  2. 88% have noticed that their child is performing great in complex subjects like Mathematics and Physics with the execution of EdTech.

Let us incorporate all the above studies using an example. Suppose there is a child named X, and he belongs to a middle-class family. His father works in an IT company on an average package, and his mother is a homemaker. He is a student of IX class and studying in a reputed school in the town. The fee of that school is already high because of the use of high-end technologies in the classroom like digital boards, AI-based explanation and feedback software, etc.

Everything was going fine until the corona pandemic when his father lost his job. Additionally, the fee of school was also raised and everything went online with EdTech. X was finally terminated from the school because of his due fees and he has to take admission to a local community school. So definitely from X parent’s perspective, EdTech is not at all good as this resulted in an increased fee.

We have covered the parent’s perspective on EdTech. Still, we need to discuss some really important topics that are associated with digitized learning only. They are:

  • Online Classes: As a pandemic is running globally, almost every institution has shifted the learning on digitized platforms. Online classes are crucial to prevent any halt in the learning process. Some parents are very much satisfied with the way the schools and colleges are handling their children, while others are worried about the online classes because of the structured learning, which few institutions lack. But a healthy discussion between parents and the administration can solve this problem for sure. Limited live interaction between the faculty and students needs to be resolved for effective learning and in-depth understanding.
  • Young Kids & financially unstable: For Grownups, EdTech is still a good choice. But what about kids? Many play kids don’t even know how to turn on a computer, so how will they attend classes? Apart from this, some families can’t even afford two meals for a day because of the losses that occurred due to the Pandemic. So how will they afford such expensive systems along with full-time internet for their children? Hence such parents are absolutely against the use of EdTech in schools because of financial issues. According to Parents, Schools should help those children who are unaware of how EdTech works and also those who are from weaker sections of society.

Key Takeaways

To conclude, EdTech is not at all bad as it is the need of the hour to develop an all-rounder personality of a student. But before implementing it, schools and other institutions must take care of parents’ perspectives as well as whether parents are supportive of the same or not because a Student spends more time at home in comparison to his institution.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in