Class 11 Maths Important Chapters for JEE 2023

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4 min readSep 22, 2022

NTA or the National Testing Agency conducts the JEE Main examination for admission to NITs, IIITs and other government and state-funded engineering institutes. The JEE Main exam also qualifies candidates for JEE Advanced and admission to IITs. In this post, we will cover the most important chapters of class 11 Maths for JEE Mains 2023.

Class 11 Maths Important Chapters for JEE

Calculations in engineering require a solid understanding of Mathematics. The majority of questions in the Mathematics section of JEE exams 2023 are related to formulas and their applications. To score well in this section, you must practice a lot. Your speed and accuracy will improve as you solve more problems. The only way to score in Mathematics is to memorise and read formulas. Make sure you master all the key concepts by visualising and applying them to real-life situations.

The Maths syllabus for JEE Main consists of chapters from classes 11 and 12 of Mathematics. Many aspirants do not have time to study the entire syllabus for JEE Main, so they inquire about important chapters for JEE Mains class 11 Maths. There are many chapters in Mathematics syllabus that are included in JEE, and unlike Chemistry or Physics, there is nothing called less important or very important, as most of the chapters are interconnected. It is therefore impossible to skip a certain section in order to concentrate more on another.

Important Chapters of Class 11 for JEE Mathematics

Mathematics syllabus for JEE Main consists of around 25 chapters. There is no doubt that it is the most important element, but it also requires a lot of effort. Given below are the important topics of JEE Main Mathematics 2023:

  • Integration
  • Differentiation
  • Probability
  • Three Dimensional Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Vector Algebra
  • Conic Sections
  • Straight Lines
  • Sets, Relations and Functions
  • Matrices And Determinants

Upon finishing the Important Chapters of Maths class 11 for JEE Mains, you should move onto Limits and Continuity, Permutation and Combination, Quadratic Equations, Complex Numbers, Binary Theorem, Circles, Sequences and Series, and Differential Equations.

  1. When you have completed the above chapters, you may focus on the easier and less important chapters such as Inverse Trigonometry, Application of Derivatives, Heights and Distances, and Statistics.
  2. In Mathematics, Sets, Relations, and Functions serve as the foundation, so you don’t have to start from scratch.

JEE Main Mathematics 2023

The following topics must be covered at least once:

  • Logarithms
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Theory of Equations
  • Sets, Relations and Functions
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Binomial Theorem
  • Locus
  • Hyperbola
  • Ellipse
  • Fundamentals of Mathematics
  • Solution of Triangle

Maths Chapter-wise Weightage in JEE Mains 2023

Chapters No. of Questions Weightage Sets, Relation and Function 1 4 Sequence and Series 1 4 Binomial Theorem and Its Application 1 4 Differential Equation 1 4 Differential Calculus 1 4 Permutation and Combinations 1 4 Trigonometry 1 4 Mathematical Reasoning 1 4 Statics and Dynamics 1 4 Statistics and Probability 2 8 Matrices and Determinants 2 8 Vector Algebra 2 8 Three Dimensional Geometry 2 8 Complex numbers and Quadratic Equation 2 8 Limits, Continuity and Differentiability 3 12 Integral Calculus 3 12 Coordinate Geometry 3 12

How to Prepare for JEE Main & Advanced Maths 2023

When studying Mathematics, it is recommended to have a list of formulae and Class 11 Maths important Chapters for JEE on hand. While writing the list out, one can modify it based on his or her individual needs. Instead of using pre-prepared lists, it is best to make it yourself.

The following topics should be emphasised:

  1. Coordinate Geometry: Try to pick out similarities between the formulae when going through them. This will assist you in remembering them during the examination. Include geometrical properties in your notes, especially for straight lines and circles.
  2. Trigonometry: Divide your notes into four sections — basic formulae, trigonometric equations, inverses, and triangle solutions. However, keep in mind that JEE Main questions are likely to be based on the more common results rather than the formulas in this chapter.
  3. Algebra: This part consists mainly of properties, with few formulae. If you are studying quadratics or theory of equations, be sure to understand how symmetric sums of roots occur as well as how equations are transformed. In Complex Numbers, it is important to revise the geometric interpretation of formulae; this makes them easier to remember. Probability, permutation, and combination are all interconnected and should be revised together. As for the latter two, you might want to mark a few typical problems to revise since they are less formula-based and more problem solving oriented.
  4. Calculus: There should be a clear understanding of the standard limits, differentiation formulae, and standard integration results among candidates. Continuity, Differentiability, and Definite Integration should also be revised according to current theory.
  5. Vector and 3-D Geometry: As they are closely related, try to do them together. It is likely that questions in this section will involve standard formulae.

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Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




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