Complete Guide to Utilizing Hybrid Learning for Coaching and Educational Institutes in 2021: The SpeedLabs Way!

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4 min readJun 17, 2021

Today, technology has transformed the way we look up to education to better accommodate students. Platforms like SpeedLabs, which allows video conferencing, online lectures make learning more interactive and engaging. Such technologies bring a huge change in the way where and how students learn.

Hybrid learning is a mix of conventional up close and personal guidance with extra disconnected or distance learning methods, like experiential learning and advanced course conveyance. The objective is to apply the correct blend of learning strategies to adequately show the substance and meet the adapting needs of students.

Several schools have been effectively joining hybrid learning and instructive advances into their educational programs for over 10 years. During times of emergency or vulnerability, for example, the recent worldwide pandemic, hybrid learning models become essential for advanced education foundations to keep up enlistment and permit students to keep adapting securely. Major platforms like SpeedLabs have gained good response using these 2 basic hybrid models:

Hybrid Flexible Course Model

In the HyFlex Course Model, each class is offered face to face, simultaneously on the web, and asynchronously online to give a student-focused, adaptable experience. The two students and personnel pick how they’d prefer to partake. For instance, a teacher can educate distantly or face to face, while students adapt distantly or join genuinely in the homeroom. Innovation assumes a significant part in this model to keep students associated, regardless of whether through videoconferencing, texting or different methods for collaboration.

Modified Tutorial Model with Hybrid Learning

The Modified Tutorial Model is intended for more customized learning with small groups, customarily, distance learning. This model covers the flipped study hall model and can be modified depending on staff time, expenses, and innovation accessibility. An illustration of this model is conveying instructive material on the web and afterward meeting in little gatherings for follow-up conversation or exercises. Notwithstanding the specific methodology taken, the Modified Tutorial Model is intended to empower students to assume more prominent liability for their learning.

These models are the base to use hybrid learning for coaching and educational institutions. Here are the top tips to use hybrid learning as the SpeedLabs way;

  • Build a Strong Technology Foundation

This means as an institution or a tutor, you need to have tech-savvy resources to successfully deliver hybrid learning. General tools for video conferencing, study material, and evaluation should be incorporated by institutions. Just like SpeedLabs has everything that a tutor needs to provide an amazing learning experience without any hindrance to students. Right from tools like videoconferencing, messaging, scheduling, office hours to interactive whiteboarding, you should keep a check on everything tech.

  • Connect with Passionate People

It’s prominent for instructors to have a backhand that can handle all the backstage problems. Every tutor deserves a helping hand or support at these times. So make sure to look for passionate people who would love to explore distance learning and willing to help faculty in time of need. There are so many people out there who aren’t familiar with the latest technologies and best tools to use. Therefore, getting help can be the best way out.

  • Share Positive Experiences

As tutors begin to adapt to their courses, you need to be optimistic and believe in them. You can do so by sharing your own experiences or stories of others that keep you motivated. Today, it’s necessary to be positive and make your surroundings more happening. Don’t be a spoilsport or a brag! Try to help people as much as you can by sharing your thoughts and learnings with them. Let them know what’s working and can be helpful for them. This will help them to apply your learnings in their courses. Also, you can be aware of the things that they are doing wrong, this will save a ton of time.

  • Be Practical

Not everything can be achieved over time. Hybrid learning takes time and a lot of patience to work perfectly. Don’t make a fuss about things that aren’t working. Give yourself and your faculty time to get things done right. Try not to stress and set unrealistic goals. This will just lead to another heartbreak and nothing else. Instead, reevaluate your goals each semester or year as your institution model becomes more strong.

Higher-ed is at a point of much-needed transformation to meet the demands of today’s students. Regardless of where or how students are learning, it shouldn’t be an obstacle to accomplishing your organization’s learning results. With the opportune individuals, cycles and innovation set up, hybrid learning can be a positive step forward for advanced education.

Technology holds the key to saving higher-ed if it’s adopted in certain ways that benefit the student. Thus, the institutions that cautiously weld together conventional guidance with online guidance will receive the full rewards of distance learning.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.