Decoding your Creative Sweet Spot: It’s all in the brain

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4 min readJan 24, 2022

Why are ideas important? Where do they come from? How can we find them? Meet your Creativity Sweet Spot!

Did you know, creativity can be built and learnt to make it feel easy, or at least manageable?

For some, creativity is believed to be innate, and some find ways to build it their way by discovering and exploring new things.

So, how exactly do we find or create ideas to let our brains function to their full capacity?

In this article, we’ll talk about a unique toolkit that’ll help you ease the strain of discovering awesome ideas and ultimately finding your creativity sweet spot.

First things first, what do you mean by creativity?

Creativity is the utilisation of your imagination or original ideas to create something in any field, whether it is art, science, research, music, cooking, or even while doing your household work.

A very fine and basic example of creativity from each of our daily routines is to see our mothers repurposing the last night’s dinner leftovers to cook a delicious breakfast.

How can you find your creative sweet spot?

Let’s face it, each one of us has encountered a moment when we realize the perfect solution to a problem and suddenly start acting on it immediately without worrying about failure. It may seem hard to believe, but science has shown that there are certain moments in a day when we are at our best in the terms of creativity.

So, let’s dig into tips and tricks that you can use to find your creativity sweet spot!

There’s this whole science elaborated behind your creativity levels. It wasn’t until 1950 when an American psychologist JP Guilford recommended that creativity was something worth researching.

Distraction gives you wings: Yes! You heard that right! You tend to create more while you’re most distracted, unfocused, and doing nothing because that is the time when you allow your brain to wander. No wonder, many creative ideas come to you while taking a shower!

  • In an article published in the journal Thinking and Reasoning (2011), researchers found that people were more likely to come up with creative ideas when they were tired.
  • Exercise to get creative: It’s been proven that when you challenge your body to exercise, it gets unfocused and you might latch onto some beautiful creative solutions to problems.

Taking a nap works too: There is a sleep technique described by Spanish artist Salvador Dalí and an American inventor Thomas Edison, that can make you more creative at your work. According to this technique, you have to wake up and return to your task without falling deeper into your sleep.

To use this technique, visionaries hold objects like a spoon or a ball, while falling asleep in the chair. As they fell asleep, the object would fall making noise and waking them up.

  • While spending a few moments on the edge of unconsciousness, they would be ready to start their work again with more creative ideas and solutions.
  • Time-management is the key: Just like you won’t wear a t-shirt on a chilly day, don’t choose a time-management structure that doesn’t suit your lifestyle. Not much weight is put on how difficult it is sometimes to get “in the zone” creatively. That zone just happens at random times with a rush of mixed ideas. A theory published in the journal Thinking Skills and Creativity (2010) connects time management and creativity as being mutually beneficial to each other. So, if you’re good at managing your time & scheduling, and creating to-do lists, you can impeccably contribute to your creative time.

Go with the flow: I’ve always wondered why some people are morning people, while others are night people? Some people can easily get up and running in the morning, others find it hard to even leave the bed. Some might take all day to accomplish a task while others just need 2–3 weird hours to complete the same task. So, one must enjoy the free flow of ideas and accept the fact that the body and the brain work according to their needs.

  • If you can pick out a specific active time window that allows you to imagine, then it may depict your creative time.

Notepad to save the day: The habit of keeping a notepad handy to document all your creative ideas at the time you have it, is a super-effective way to link your ideas to find answers to your problems in a much more creative way.

  • This is why people who have a habit of journalising are more creative as journalising gives them time to be themselves and think deeply into the problem.
  • Do it the kids’ way: Try to indulge yourself in simple tasks such as drawing, painting, playing games, or even scribbling like a toddler. This triggers your imagination power and lets you think out of the box.

Key Takeaways

From the above ideas, you can now try to find your creativity sweet spot for the best output. Remember to don’t force yourself into anything. You have to remain calm and be natural while you are exploring new things.

Good luck with finding new ideas and invoking the genius-you!

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.