E-Learning And EdTech Companies in 2021 — A Futuristic Genius Or Not?

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4 min readJun 29, 2021

Modernization is a constant process, and every industry today is undergoing modernization. The education sector too is a part of this process as the conventional methods of teaching have undergone a tremendous change, primarily because of technology enabling e-learning and lately due to COVID.

When it comes to technology overpowering tradition in the education system, the latter is still in a way irreplaceable or irreplaceable because of the value a classroom and teacher brings in. Having said that, the productivity brought in by e-learning is unmatchable too. Also, the need of the hour says that an educator should now be prepared to meet its new support system, technology.

Given the ease of access, e-learning is beneficial for both professors and pupils in the ways mentioned below, and it might be safe to say that EdTech companies are the next big thing:

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It’s good value for money

Who hasn’t heard the words annual fees? The first and foremost factor that sets online education apart is affordability. The fee structure does not incorporate money spent on infrastructure, textbooks, transport, etc., and a student/parent gets to choose from various payment possibilities (in instalments or full) as per subject, class, course and teacher.

Not all learners progress at the same pace

As every learner’s ability and progress in learning is unique, online education is a savior in providing such tuning. Not only students, but teachers too can establish their learning speed and schedule as per availability and agenda. Not only that, but this factor also comes in handy for people who are managing their work-study life.

Both teachers and students are better involved

E-learning keeps everyone on their toes, students or teachers. Technology brings in new approaches and newer updates almost every single day, something which requires steady involvement and constant brushing up of skills. Furthermore, as both the teachers and students indulge in this routine, it also helps them grow technologically.

It’s relevant and required

In a world where a 1-metre real-life distance is a daily struggle, 0.5-metre screen distance has become the new normal and the unavoidable. With everything around us happening digitally, from office meetings to exhibitions, web-based learning became the rescue for students.

Easier to achieve career goals

Do we even consider the factors in our life that can hinder our career and growth? Let’s start with the most recent one, the COVID-19 pandemic, then imagine health issues, the workload in jobs, the inevitability of marriages and childbirth, so many individuals struggle with a discontinuity in the career graph. All this is resolved with e-education.

From the traditional classroom to an interactive session

The relationship between teachers and their students will always remain the same, be it offline or online, but technology has added more engagement to this association. The energy a teacher brings to a class physically cannot be replaced with AI, but the know-how of the modern e-teaching methods can at least enable an educator to make the session more communicative, innovative, fetching, and thought-provoking for students.

Better interactions are directly proportional to better experience

Almost all e-learning programs operating on live-streaming put a plug on the number of students enrolled, thus making sure that each candidate gets the benefit of personalized devotion and advice from the teacher. The process further has multiple benefits:

  • Improved student-teacher communication where the teachers can focus and address individual concerns.
  • Tailored knowledge sharing as per an individual’s ability through an assortment of videos, photos, forums, e-books, personal notes, etc., a teacher now has several modes and options to increase understanding.
  • Enhanced learning experience since students get to indulge in the comfort of their homes, move at a pace according to their learning capacity, and develop skills without the additional pressure of performance.

Well-organized and well-thought-of assessment decisions

An individual’s assessment is only and only dependent on their aptitude and is independent of a grading system in traditional teaching environments. The assessment system doesn’t rob an individual of their efficiency to think out of the box.

An array of programs to choose from

Right from curriculum-based, to the availability of skill and knowledge-based programs have made e-learning a part of not only students but many adults eager and interested to learn. Online courses are a boon for individuals keen to take up a course in a city or country different from their hometown or workplace. The best part of e-learning is that it is no longer different from offline courses and gets the same recognition when it comes to certification or degrees.

How can we forget accessibility?

When you can learn and teach from any corner of the world with e-learning, how can we forget approachability? E-learning can be rightly termed as a portable medium that has eradicated both social and physical barriers. If you have an internet connection, you have your virtual classroom, just like the one we provide at SpeEdLabs.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in