Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2021

While the pandemic is an unimaginable present, education can let us have an imaginable future.

Education is an influential instrument, if we hope to see a reformation and transformation in a society and its mindset, it shall only and only happen through this powerful medium. Almost, now and then, we get to witness weather extremes: cyclones, heavy rainfall or storms, droughts or floods, heatwaves, some or the other flu, and right now we all are living and still struggling in a pandemic.

One may wonder about the oddity here: mention of a pandemic among climatic events. To that we will say, it’s all connected: deforestation, nature, biota, environment, wildlife, transferable diseases and viruses.

  • Tropical deforestation is not only leading to global warming, but it also increases risk of animal-to-human virus jump/transmissions.
  • Governments of the United Kingdom and Canada, have declared an environmental emergency.
  • One way to bring about a change is that each of us realizes the gravity of the situation. The other is through education, to start at the roots, to build a foundation of strong sense right at the beginning.
  • A curriculum needs to be formed that addresses climate issues and brings about an ethos of thoughtfulness among children, who certainly will convince the adults at their homes.

If you think about it, what needs to be changed, minds or climate? The former definitely, we can only withstand this climate-change storm with the umbrella of education, and here’s how:

Begin at the beginning

A subject or topic on climate change should be an essential part of the school curriculums in all grades, and should also be a part of every stream’s syllabus as the climate control solutions can only be brought by combination of multiple academic disciplines and expert specializations. Educating young minds about rising sea levels, complications of malnutrition, and ill-effects of animal to human virus jump is a must now. This will develop:

  • a culture of kindness and empathy
  • lessened use of plastic and hence lesser carbon footprint
  • consciousness about minimizing greenhouse gas emissions
  • new approaches to edify our breathing atmosphere
  • better planning and mindful construction

When you begin at the beginning, an initiative has just taken its first breath

It’s a long road ahead. The road just begins with incorporating and learning about climate change in schools, it’s a long way ahead where each one of us needs to understand it, and then implement it as well. Even with implementation, it isn’t a monthly task, it has become a day-to-day activity. Rather, the need of the hour is that being thoughtful about our environment has to come innately, so much so, as if it is implanted in the DNA of educational books and imprinted on young minds.

Start with young and budding entrepreneurs

Start-ups and young entrepreneurs can think ahead, device, and play with state-of-the-art methods to produce environmentally friendly and sustainable products. The digital-age businesspersons shouldn’t just talk fancily about the environment as a buzzword, but should also take measures towards it. Even if a few start the process, a substantial change in approach and assumptions will be felt in the market. Yes, the movement, again, has to begin at school.

  • A mandate subject/detailed topic in curriculums is the only way
  • An interactive session post learning and reading about it will bring in more awareness
  • Practical knowledge along with theoretical familiarity should be implemented in schools, such as, every student should plant a tree in school, say once a month.
  • Students must be stimulated to choose environmental studies as an option for higher studies
  • Along with the above, career opportunities available in the field are one way to boost students to take up environment studies and in sustainable agriculture: transformation for a better future and liveable world commence here.
  • Make green jobs available and evoke interest in them right from the schooling days

How is this possible

In every country, coaching and communicating important, accessible scientific facts and statistics should be a constant plan. The idea is to bring about a change in approach, and develop abilities towards being considerate, and make the following group of people aware: governments, decisionmakers, policy makers, teachers, media, groups and communities, which will in turn impart students with this knowledge.

Educational organizations should show leadership and coerce the government to make climate-change curriculum a mandate. The media and different social groups should also join hands for this cause. Also, it’s said that education, after all starts at home, conscious parenting can even make children and youngsters stand up and demand a change. The teachers can play their part by:

  • Inviting experts or NGOs to come and influence young minds
  • Organising events around and on World Environment Day (5 June)
  • Involving students in the waste management system at school

Key Takeaways

Education and awareness are needed for thoughtful and informed decision-making. It is an unshackling tool that makes one leave the comfort of their homes, get up and start to do something meaningful, something sustainable.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.