Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2021

Build, develop, upgrade, strengthen your employability quotient right from the start — surviving in a post-covid world.

Covid-19 , Corona, Pandemic, the new normal, we are living in volatile times — where nothing is permanent. Hence, financial security and employment are a struggle. But we are not here to dwell on the negativity going around, we are here to create a superlative version of the time we have in hand, now that there is less commute. We are here to make you start thinking about employment, because it’s never too early! First things first, what is the employability quotient? Essential skills required to do a particular job and prosper with the continuing goals set by establishments.

A difficulty always makes us rethink our approach, and we need to be in a constant moulding process, keeping with the changing world around us. The current situation suggests that our lives can be brought to a halt, unannounced, and the earlier we start preparing for things, the better.

If you are reading this, you need to make note of two primary things:

  • If you are an undergraduate and thinking of a job, you are going well. People with this approach will flourish. Not saying that one shouldn’t have fun in college life, but thinking ahead, especially post-covid, is the way forward.
  • Some people say that employability grows when one starts working. Well, no. While it is true that many skills required for a job are learnt on the job only, employability starts to grow the minute you start thinking and preparing for it.

The earlier you make rational decisions about your career, the better, as it will give you more time to use the knowledge you gain in your college years, and the research and resources provided by professors. Be it you start in the first or final year, it is never too early to begin picturing, preparing and planning your employment, here’s how:

Go for what you are good at because you need to love what you do

If you see yourself working as a designer, writer, or in an IT company, etc, start putting up your ideas in one place. Not only will you see your thoughts grow over the years, but you will also have a bank of creativity that will eventually enhance your CV . Start building and tapping in the potential available from various resources:

  • Même pages
  • Blogs
  • Instagram Business Account
  • Launch a website
  • Start freelance jobs or internships

On that thought, must do at least one internship

One or many, but yes, at least one internship during your college life will give you enough insights about the work culture, and good experience to prepare yourself for work life. A three-to-six-month long summer internship will get you:

  • valuable networking
  • appropriate work experience
  • college recognition
  • a potential offer

If you get to build a network, maintain it!

Networking is crucial in the existing job world, each opportunity available to meet, interact, and get connected should be tapped. Then maintain connection with your seniors, professors, professionals, through obtaining visiting cards, email ID or LinkedIn. Networking is possible through:

  • attending seminars, webinars, alumni events
  • College fairs
  • professional development conferences
  • LinkedIn account
  • staying connected on special occasions such as birthdays and popular holidays

Refine your talent through online courses

Do not think twice before investing a small amount in courses and programs online, as the benefits you will reap in the future are incomparable. They help you enhance your knowledge in an area of your choice and doesn’t add a burden to our regular college life with the option of flexible hours. By the time one finishes college, the courses would have improved and added value to your strengths.

Join a club (but not for a party)

These professional yet friendly clubs are great if you want to contact other students and professionals. The clubs also help one polish their soft skills such as speaking, interaction, communication, leadership, time-management, all of which are qualities one must possess to be able to fine-tune oneself to job culture. Being a member of any such club also gets highlighted on your resume and gets you brownie points during placement and interviews.

In the end, just get started

Last but not the least, do not just keep reading articles online, just get started. Also, it’s never too early to start with your process, if you feel the need to start it after your boards, if you are lucky to be confident about your career profile, then go for it.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in