Every cloud has a silver lining

Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2020

Quarantine time is a blessing in disguise for the busy millenials. We have been complaining of not being able to spend time with family or at home much because of work commitments. But now that most of us are working from home, there are things you REALLY need to pay attention to. As you save on your travel time to office, utilise that time in a productive way. Here is a list of things you can do to make it all worthwhile!

If you’re freaking out over the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re definitely not alone. And quarantine or isolation is a possibility for many — even if you don’t fall ill, coming into contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus could result in your doctor recommending a period of isolation. This comes with a lot of concerns — food, medication, apparently toilet paper — but one thing that we’re not talking much about is how to fill the time. Two weeks is a lot of time to spend stuck at home. Of course, if you’re working from home (either as a professional or a student), the first thing to do is make sure that you’ve done all of your assignments first. But let’s talk about some of the other productive things that you can get done if you find yourself at home for an extended period, and hopefully the uptick in productivity will help with the inevitable anxiety.

Work on your health

For most of the people who blame their busy schedule to be the reason why they are not being able to exercise, this is the best time to pay attention to their health. And for those regular gym workers, make space for your home gym! Chalk out a workout routine for yourself and stick to it. There are several exercises that can be done at the comfort of your home which are both effective and fun to do.

Keep Calm

Think of ways to convert your current strength into a motivation to learn new things relevant for the new normal.

Enhance Your Skills

Make the most of this time by enhancing your skill sets. There are plenty of online courses that can give an extra boost to your career.

Read a book

This is a good time to get your child into the habit of reading. They now have a lot of time on their hands as they have nowhere to go. Read a book to them every day. This will help them develop their vocabulary and their language skills. For older kids, give them a reading goal for the weeks when they are at home and encourage them to complete it.

Workbooks/ Practice

The time spent in quarantine can be put to good academic use as well. You can get your kid to solve math and language workbooks to help him keep in touch with school. It gives you child practice making him ready for when school reopens. It also takes the weight off your shoulder of not having spent the time at home productively. Workbooks are a good way to work on areas where your child is weak, if any.

Stay Motivated

Things might get super taxing with working at home and you may feel stuck with things dragged on for days during the lockdown. It is very important to stay motivated in these troubled times. Do not lose hope and remember that every cloud has a silver lining.

All the best, Happy Quarantine!

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in