How eLearning Adoption Can Help Students Score High in Exams

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4 min readOct 19, 2019

India is one of the biggest markets for elearning. The country’s elearning market will touch the US$1.95 billion mark by 2021 if the current Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 24.75 percent continues. And chances are, schools as well as colleges will implement at least some degree of elearning in coming years.

Reasons for Elearning Popularity

There’re several reasons why elearning is gaining popularity. India is home to nearly two million schools and colleges. However, India is facing a shortage of qualified and experienced teachers. At least a million vacancies for teachers, especially at government-run public schools are lying vacant.

Media reports suggest, schools in New Delhi alone are facing a 45 percent shortage in teaching staff. In other states, the scenario isn’t quite different. As a result, the Central and state governments are facing severe difficulties in implementing literacy promotion programs.

Only Students Suffer

As a result of this acute paucity of teaching staff, schools and colleges are often forced to hire teachers that lack skills. The end result: a student suffers and doesn’t really learn a subject. They score poor marks when it comes to board exams.

This is the main reason why adoption of elearning can help students score high marks. How can students score high through elearning? Here’re the answers.

How Elearning Helps Students Score High

With no end to shortage of teachers in sight, schools as well as students will adopt elearning. This would prove beneficial to the entire education system and especially, students. Here’re some ways elearning helps students score high.

Elearning Is Interesting

Elearning adds that punch to ordinary learning. Teachers use various resources to make even the dullest and difficult subject a very interesting one that’s easy to learn. These resources include graphics, pictures, videos and lots more. As a result, students take extra interest in learning the subject and remember what they learn. The result is that they learn well, remember the lessons and score high at exams.

Elearning is Round the Clock

Elearning courses are online and offline. Therefore, students can access them anytime. Even when a school uses elearning at classrooms, they’re able to carry the lessons home and study on computers or even mobile devices. This makes it easier to revise lessons whenever necessary. Furthermore, elearning enables students to catch up on any lessons they may miss whenever they’re unable to attend classroom studies due to illness or any other reason. This fabulous feature of elearning makes it possible for students to score high marks during any exams.

Supporting Courses

A student can get several supporting courses for a single topic through elearning. For example, a student weak at Algebra can find elearning courses that simplify the subject and present it in an easy, simple to understand and interesting manner. As a result, they don’t lag at any subject. Furthermore, most elearning courses come with mock exams too. Therefore, a student can try cracking these mock exams to prepare for the real life ones. Hence, they can prepare well for board, school or college exams.

Multiple Mediums of Instruction

Students that hail from a vernacular background are often at disadvantage when studying at schools and colleges that use English as the main medium of instruction. Hence, they mightn’t understand some of the lessons their teachers instruct at schools and colleges. Elearning effectively removes this handicap. Elearning courses are available in most languages. Therefore, a student facing problems in comprehending lessons in English can take elearning courses in a language of their choice and keep pace with peers.

Tablets for Students Programs

The Indian government along with state administrations is now providing free tabs to school students, especially in rural areas. Therefore, the quality of education at rural schools will improve exponentially. Earlier, students had to depend upon local teachers, some of whom did not have adequate qualifications or expertise in teaching particular subjects. The free tabs program will eliminate these shortcomings and enable rural students to utilize elearning and compete equally with their peers in urban areas. High quality elearning lessons will definitely help such rural students score high and get admissions easily for higher education.

International Curriculum

A lot of elearning programs are also based upon international curriculum. Hence, Indian students can learn complex subjects at home or school with ease. And their knowledge matches international standards. This distinct advantage enables students to score high and prepare for complex entrance exams necessary to study at prestigious universities in India and abroad. They can also score high at various entrance exams conducted by foreign universities for Indian students. This is a distinct advantage that only elearning offers.

In Conclusion

Elearning eliminates several drawbacks of conventional learning. It allows curriculum updates frequently. Interesting lessons and use of modern technology make elearning fun. This in turn translates as students scoring high.

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.