How important is educational technology in today’s education industry?

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2 min readApr 15, 2021

The education industry has recently undergone a complete transformation in the past few years. The once dormant and quiet sector has had to rethink its entire operating model during the coronavirus initiated lockdown and has also seen new policy changes, with the Central Government’s New Education Policy brought into effect last July.

The education sector has been ripe for disruption for a while, and educational technology companies are leading the charge to revamp the way students engage with content. Education Technology has seen widespread adoption across the world and has been welcomed by teachers and students alike because of the many benefits it offers.

Technology is an indispensable tool in teaching today, as it allows teachers to interact and engage with students in forms that were previously impossible. Here’s why we feel educational technology should be a standard part of schools and coaching classes:

Remote Learning:

Educational Technology and other digital tools enable teachers and students to meet and interact in a virtual setting, increasing convenience and comfort for both parties. If adopted on a large enough scale, schools can cut down on significant overhead expenses that have to be incurred when operating in a physical location. Apart from the financial benefits, this also allows instructors to teach more students at the same time since space constraints are no longer in the picture

Higher Degree of Personalization:

Educational Technology enables a much higher degree of personalization than is possible with just the teacher. The software, usually powered by sophisticated AI, monitors student progress and aptitude in each subject and then creates detailed assessment reports for the teacher who can review them and create modules customized for the individual needs of each child.

Increases Quality of Teaching:

With teachers no longer bogged down by mundane tasks such as grading assignments and tests or creating homework, they are now free to spend a bulk of their time fine-tuning and perfecting their lesson plans so as to maximize student engagement and attentiveness. This division of labor can generate significant benefits for teachers and students in the long run.

With that being said, it leaves no doubt in our minds that technology should very much be a part of the learning process due to the myriad benefits it offers. While there are challenges such as a lack of reliable infrastructure to effectively implement such a model, these are addressable over the next few years. The future of education is digital, and it is crucial that we do all in our power to realize it as soon as we can.

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.