How music can complement your studies?

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3 min readMar 3, 2021

With exams just around the corner, students have been hitting the books with every spare second they have. During nightly studying sessions, students trudge onwards with their studies, often past midnight, and the hours go by. What if there was a better alternative to spending hours upon hours in silence in the bedroom?

A better alternative is listening to music. Listening to music is an activity that can be easily paired with any other task.

Have you ever got hooked to specific game, and app may be because it has some great sound effects. Yes some digital games keep us hooked merely due to sound effects, that’s the power of music. Similarly effective music can as well keep us focussed on studying. Just like showpieces enhance the visual appeal of a space, music makes time spent studying more enjoyable.

Music is a very significant part of our daily lives; the image of the quietly-focused student isolating themselves into a personal study zone has led to increased curiosity about whether listening to music actually helps studies or not.

Research into the field has delivered largely mixed results, with many studies contradicting each other. However, this does provide useful insight for students who may be looking into ways to use music to enhance their exam performance.


  1. The act of listening to music has been proven to ease stress. It can uplift students’ spirits and help relieve exam anxiety, a very common phenomenon among the students.
  2. Music is helpful when the task is clearly defined and repetitive in nature. While doing practical tasks, music increases the speed of work and also the quality of the work done, thus improving the efficiency of human labor. For example, assembly line workers show signs of increased happiness and efficiency while listening to music. Music with discordant tones has no impact on productivity, but soft tunes have better results.
  3. A better tip would be playing instrumental music, classical music in the background while doing note making tasks at hand. You can as well search specifically for study concentration music, playlists you like or soft instrumental music.
  4. The right kind of music can help relax your mind and increase concentration. It plays a major role in studying, doing homework, etc. It reduces distractions and improves focus. Music also helps boost motivation when starting a new task.
  5. Perhaps one of the most compelling reasons to listen to music during a study session is because music has been proven to help improve cognitive performance. Basically, music helps your brain function better! Background music may even enhance performance in cognitive tasks and maximise brain capacity.
  6. Plug in your earphones while travelling from classes, college listen and maybe revise a fe formulas and concepts no need to mug up, only reading can create magic.
  7. End Your Study Session with Classical Music: As we read we now know that music and memory are strongly linked in the brain, and that music can be beneficial to study. All that studying, however made you exhausted! You close the textbooks and lay beneath your blankets, but your mind is still buzzing from all of the information you’ve acquired.

Use these tips, and observe the positive changes.

All the best!

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.