How To Change Your Routine in 6 steps To Enhance Exam Performance

1. Develop a plan

3 min readMar 2, 2021


Would you start building a bridge without first coming up with a plan? Would you just begin construction and “hope for the best”? Of course not.

In a similar way, it’s important to outline a strategy for how to get ready for an exam.

2. Get on a sleep schedule at least one week before the exam

Most exams are scheduled early in the morning — a time when students don’t usually feel very energetic. If you’ll be taking a morning exam, start sleeping earlier at least one week before the test so that your body will have time to adjust. If not, your mind won’t be in an optimal state to take the exam.

In general, it’s also a good idea to get eight hours of sleep each night. Getting enough sleep is vital if you want to improve your memory and mental focus.

3.Don’t do any last-minute studying right before the exam

It’s common for students to spend 10 minutes before an exam doing some last-minute studying. This may provide some psychological consolation, but overall it does more harm than good.

10 minutes before an exam, you either know the required information or you don’t. If you frantically review facts or equations during this time, you’ll become more stressed and anxious, which will negatively affect your performance.

Instead, make use of those ten minutes to relax. Visualize yourself answering the questions correctly, and imagine yourself in a state of peace and confidence. Take a deep breath. Inhale for four seconds, then exhale for four seconds. This will help you achieve and maximize your brain capacity. Repeat this as many times as necessary to calm down.

4.Make use of exam-taking techniques

We like to think that exams are an objective measure of learning, but they’re really not. You might know the information like the back of your hand, but if you’re not equipped with the necessary exam-taking techniques, you won’t get the grades you’re hoping for.

Here are some basic exam-taking principles and techniques:

  • Know the time you need to spend on each question.
  • Be familiar with the structure of the exam-Syllabus, chapters, weightage, type of questions.
  • If you are not able to solve a question, don’t get stuck there, move to the other question.

5. Create an exam-like environment

When taking mock tests, create an exam-like environment. Strictly adhere to timings given on the paper and set your alarm clock accordingly.

  • Isolate yourself in a quiet room with no distractions.
  • Keep enough answer sheets next to you.
  • Sit right next to a clock so you keep a close track of time.

6. Be active during exam hours

We know the exam timings in advance, so a month before your exam, stay active especially around your exam time. This will keep your brain active and efficient on the day of your exam. Also, a habit of being active will help you develop punctuality.

All the above small changes and routine habits, when practiced on a daily basis will lead to identifying your strengths and weaknesses and making required changes to discover your true potential to ace the exams and a bright career.


Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.