How to create a positive mindset to crack NEET

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4 min readSep 19, 2022

Every year, over 16 lakh medical students take the NEET-UG exam, and each year brings new hope to those hoping to pass the exam. From the dropouts of the previous year to the 12th pass outs of 2022, everyone has set out on a mission. While nothing has changed in the year 2022, without the right mindset and inspiration, the resolutions to pass NEET-UG with flying colours may start to fade in a month or less. It is not given, but it is earned, to have a positive and winning mindset. A positive mindset is crucial for a NEET-UG aspirant who is studying late at night to pass the medical exam.

We understand how difficult it can be to maintain a positive attitude while on the NEET journey. As a result, we are going to give you some pointers that you can use to improve your mood and stay positive throughout your preparation.

Have faith in your goals.

The first step in any NEET-UG 2022 journey is to trust the process and believe in yourself. Preparation takes time, and aspirants must believe in themselves to be capable of achieving their goal of becoming a doctor.

Be focused and consistent in your efforts.

Every day of your preparation journey will be different. Some days may appear to be extremely productive, while others may appear to be chaotic and inefficient. As a result, you must understand the importance of patience and calmness. Focus on what you have in your hands and stick to your studies, revisions, or mock tests.

Procrastination is a devil

Procrastination is avoided by remembering that “tomorrow never comes.” What do you do when you try to sit down and study and you do not feel prepared? I am not interested in studying! Only a select few are capable of doing so. The majority of people do the same thing they always do: they put it on hold and schedule it for the next day. In addition, do you know where it leads you in the end? Backlog is the answer. As your unfinished tasks pile up, you feel helpless and frustrated, and your schedule and preparation suffer as a result. So, instead of putting things off until tomorrow, do them today, even if it takes a couple of hours longer.


Know your strengths thoroughly, but more importantly, know your weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It is noticeable that many people focus on things in which they are knowledgeable or comfortable (i.e. their strengths), while hiding their incompetence and flaws. Keep in mind that your flaw will be the first to drag you down in this race. Work on your weak points so that you no longer need to call them as your shortcomings.

Be inspired.

We have a tendency to lose sight of why we started the NEET-UG journey in the first place. Keep reminding yourself why you chose this path while studying for the medical entrance exam. When you are feeling unmotivated, try to remember why you’re pursuing your goal.

Choose to Develop Positive Habits.

Meditation, exercise, going for walks, eating healthy, practising Yoga, staying hydrated, and believing in yourself are some of the positive habits that will help you prepare. In a healthy body, there is a healthy mind. As a result, having a balanced mind and body makes it easier to achieve your goals.

Spend time with your loved ones.

Spend time with someone you care about, whether it is a friend, a family member, or a mentor. Spending time with people who understand you, your emotions, and your goals can help you find your way. Isolating yourself from social interaction for exam preparation can be exhausting and boring; therefore, avoid it and spend more time with positive people.

Keep track of your progress.

It is pointless to prepare without keeping track of what you are doing. Nothing gives you more confidence than seeing your business grow exponentially. Write down every time you finish a chapter/topic, and refer to it whenever you are feeling down or discouraged. This note will serve as a reminder of your potential and accomplishments in order to motivate you. Solving sample papers, past year question papers, and mock tests is a great way to keep track of your progress. These are the most effective methods for keeping track of your progress and identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

Give yourself a treat.

Always remember that positive self-affirmations go a long way! In the woods, small victories add up quickly, so reward yourself with something you enjoy. Chocolates, a treat, a movie, your favourite TV show, or any other activities you enjoy are all possibilities. As a result, whenever you finish a topic or improve your score on a NEET Mock Test, treat yourself to any activity of your choice.

Kindness to yourself is important.

Every living being is entitled to kindness. As a result, it is critical to forgive and learn from your own mistakes, and then apply what you have learned to improve your future. Being too hard on yourself will only exhaust you and add stress to your life, which will prevent you from achieving your goals. Instead, develop a winning and optimistic mindset in order to pass the NEET-UG 2022 exam.

A positive mindset, hard work, and expert guidance are all required on the road to success. Therefore, start working on developing the right mindset and strategy that will ensure you never lose sight of your goal.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.