How Will a Hybrid Learning Model Be Life-Changing For Students In The Future?

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4 min readJun 9, 2021

Hybrid learning is a process of synchronous learning that teaches both in-person and online learners simultaneously. Therefore, it is part of blended learning but a specific example of how Ed Tech is used in lessons. However, there are a surprising number of competing definitions even from very reputable sources. In the end, it’s about finding a workable definition that makes teaching and learning more flexible in the future.

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How can hybrid learning benefit the students?

hybrid learning benefits

As a result of the pandemic, educators have realized that a certain amount of flexibility is required both during the current situation and onward into the future.

While in-person teaching will remain an essential part of education for the foreseeable future, we now see the need to open up multiple channels to respond to not just extreme conditions like a global disaster but the day to day interruptions of effective education.


Hybrid learning provides a greater amount of flexibility. Generally speaking, learners want as many options as possible and the ability to move from in-person to remote learning can be invaluable. Failure to offer flexibility can result in students choosing to study a different course, or choosing to study at a different academic institution entirely.

The need for flexibility within education was made even more obvious by the COVID-19 global pandemic, which caused many schools, colleges and universities to have to close at short notice, or operate with severely reduced class sizes.

Students want flexibility

Students want the freedom to decide how they learn on a lesson-by-lesson basis. There may be instances where they feel too tired to attend a class, but they still want to participate from home. At the same time, hybrid learning can offer those who primarily like to learn remotely with the option to participate in some of the social aspects of learning, which almost 60 percent of students say contributes to them becoming more independent and confident.

This flexibility is offered by

Enhanced access to learning

Hybrid learning encourages the adoption of EdTech, much of which is excellent for accessibility. To offer an example, when remote learning is a possibility, students may be able to use technology like text-to-speech, or some of the accessibility settings within core software. This can help to expand access to education for the differently-abled.

Teaching resources

Another major advantage of hybrid learning is its ability to improve how teaching resources are used and this can be seen in a number of different ways. For one, the mix of physical classroom learning and remote learning can allow for smaller classrooms to cater for more students, while saving the very largest rooms for lessons that really need them.

Usually, if an academic institution wants to provide both in-person and remote learning opportunities, they will need to put on two separate classes or even two distinct courses. Yet, one of the key benefits of hybrid learning is the ability to blend the demand for both learning styles, meaning a single course can cater to both of these preferences.

So the students can learn better and enjoy learning through interesting resources!

Active participation

In a traditional classroom, you show up for class once or twice a week, and during the time you are not in class, you are not connected or holding discussions with your classmates. In a hybrid class, you’re expected to show up for class when it happens, but you are also actively participating with other students online in-between sessions.

Personalized learning

During the online portion of your hybrid courses, you manage your own time to meet the week’s deadlines and coursework, but during in-class sessions, you still get face-to-face to-do lists and reminders from your professor. Doing it this way can help you develop your skills as an independent learner.

Better interaction

Even though you do not sit through a lecture, read more material, and then write a paper or take a test, you are not left out of collaboration. In hybrid learning you will interact with both instructors and your peers. Discussion boards are required among students to talk about course materials and exchange ideas and learnings.

With Hybrid Learning you are Free from Constraints

This teaching and learning style offers the best of both the traditional and non- traditional student experience, with in-person support combined with the flexibility of doing coursework online.

You can choose to take courses online or on- campus, can visit your local campus for academic support or build community with your fellow classmates.

Freed from the constraints of a classroom schedule, you acquire the real- world skills needed to help move your career forward with the added convenience of being able to complete coursework in a way that works best for your lifestyle.

Give a unique turn to the learning process by Hybrid Learning!

All the best!

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.