How Will Parents Deal With The Hybrid Models Of Learning That Seem To Be Prevalent In A Post Pandemic World?

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2 min readMay 5, 2021

Hybrid Learning is a model through which educators combine established educational practices such as in-person classrooms with education technology with the objective of improving the learning experience for students. Even though the concept has been around for a while, it has only gained popularity in India over the past few years. In this article, we will explore how parents can deal with a new paradigm of education.

Today’s blog sheds light on the Areas of Concern and the Solutions to overcome all concerns:

Areas of Concern

  • Procrastination: One of the attendant flaws in the hybrid-learning model is the lack of supervision. Students that are used to doing assignments / practice questions in the presence of teachers may procrastinate on their work due to lesser immediate consequences. However, parents can take on this aspect of the teacher’s role and ensure that students complete their work on time.
  • Technological Challenges: One of the main requirements of a blended model is reliable digital infrastructure. Many students do not have access to a dependable Internet connection, required to successfully operate within the hybrid framework. Parents could improve the home Wi-Fi speeds or support their children by buying them cost efficient tablets/laptops/computers if they already do not have one.
  • Increased Cognitive Load: With a far greater variety of activities to choose from, teachers may assign students with more tasks than they did before, causing students to work more, increasing the mental burden. In this case, parents can advise their children and teach them stress management techniques to help balance the mind.

Solutions to Overcome Concerns

  1. Take Your staff/teachers into Confidence.

To successfully transition to blended learning, organizations must give the employees time to adapt to a new learning environment. While the only constant is change, change is always met by resistance as it is requires people to leave their comfort zones. Besides, not all employees are equally tech-savvy. Advance intimation gives them time to brush up their basic online skills and also be mentally prepared for the changes ahead. A well-reasoned explanation goes a long way in building employee confidence and gaining their acceptance for the new approach.

  1. Develop Your Blended Learning Program Based on Learning Outcomes:

There are several blended learning formats you can follow:

  • Online: An instructor delivers lessons via an online platform using eLearning resources complimented by periodic face-to-face meets.
  • Rotation: Students rotate between self-paced learning and classroom learning.
  • Flexible: Most learning takes places through the online platform but instructors provide additional support through small group settings.
  • Online lab: The learners come together in a physical classroom, and an online teacher delivers the lessons with the help of an on-site professional.
  • Personalized blended model: This model straddles the physical and virtual spaces based on learner needs.
  • Self-blended model: Students take online classes to supplement their classroom learning.
  • Face-to-face learning: Lessons are delivered using online media by an on-site instructor.

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.