Hybrid Education Model: Educational Institutions are looking to emulate or continue with the best practices

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2 min readAug 5, 2022

The Fourth Edition of the ‘Global Education & Skill Conclave’ on 14–15 July 2022 in New Delhi was centered around the discussion of normalcy in the education sector.

The Conclave aimed to create a platform where stakeholders from health, education, governance, and industry experts exchanged a dialogue to create a knowledge society by leveraging digital offerings.

Mr Francis Fernandez (Principal of Asia English School), the moderator of this discussion panel, invited some of the eminent speakers to this discussion.

The Conclave aimed at pointing out the major differences between Independent Learning and Self-Directed Learning. Principal Indu Sharma said, “Technology is going to stay forever, how we are going to adapt ourselves to learn and extract the best from it is the basic thing we have to focus on”. To this Principal, Sonia Anil Verma added “Educational institutions have evolved from a very conventional feedback analysis in schools to personalised feedback analysis, which comes with independent learning”.

In addition, the conclave also deliberated on how educational institutions are looking to emulate or continue with the best practices in the hybrid education model that emerged during the pandemic.

Prof. Rajat’s interpretation of boundless knowledge is a relation between knowledge, the joy of it and how technology can intricate all these elements together to make a learner’s future brighter.

“We have very few knowledge seekers, and more certificate seekers”, says Prof. Rajat because he believes that the system restricts a learner within boundaries. The solution, according to the professor, is to have boundless factors instigating learners to find joy in learning, seek knowledge and use technology solutions in a way that makes the whole process easy.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in