Importance of Classroom Debates to Engage Students

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4 min readSep 23, 2022

Debates in the classroom are essential in today’s education system in order to engage students and bring life to the lesson. Students can develop presentation skills and demonstrate critical thinking by participating in debates in the classroom. It is one of the best ways to improve abstract thinking, research, reasoning, and public speaking skills in the classroom.

Through debate, students can engage in meaningful learning as well as develop critical thinking skills. It is much more than just arguing when it comes to debate. Because of the debate, participants also learn how to make good decisions while discovering which ideas they are most passionate about. Moreover, debates are a great way for students to challenge themselves, helping them build analytical skills.

Through class debates, students can test their ideas and views against those of their peers. When classroom debates are successful, students who do not normally participate in class will be more engaged. Research shows that students who participate in class discussions early are much more likely to continue to do so later on. Therefore, it is crucial to find ways to get all students involved in classroom debates.

What is “Debate” for Students?

First, we must understand what debate means to students before we can analyse its value and benefits. Debate involves discussing a wide range of news topics, including economics, politics, and general knowledge. This is a formal discussion about any topic to generate positive and negative ideas. There is a formal argument between two parties. There is optimism on one side, while pessimism on the other. Discussions about the topic would only affect the knowledge, competence, and value of the results.

Why is Classroom Debating Important?

A fundamental aspect of debating is that it helps students organise their thoughts so that others can understand them. Instead of blindly believing what you think, debate is about listening to yourself and others so you gain a better understanding of your arguments and approaches to things.

By developing classroom-debating skills, students develop strategies for increasing self-confidence and overcoming their fear of public speaking. In addition to becoming self-learners, debaters gain knowledge of topics such as public policy, philosophy, and current issues.

What are the Benefits of Debates?

Classroom debates generally have a number of benefits, including:

  • Critical Thinking Skills

When an escalating situation arises, it is preferable to debate instead of argue. The skill of making well-reasoned arguments as well as evaluating the reasoning behind a particular conclusion can be developed through debates. In addition, critical thinking can encourage students to become curious about new ideas and develop a questioning attitude. The ability to think critically can make a student more humble.

  • Ability to Express Thoughts

When you debate, you become better at explaining different topics. Debating helps identify the audience and choose the appropriate tone by planning the argument and selecting the words wisely. An individual’s ability to articulate their opinions, along with their ability to formulate well-planned and sharp arguments is essential in debating. By participating in classroom debates, students will develop their ability to articulate and plan their views and opinions.

  • Make Complex Situations Meaningful

The process of debating will also enable students to construct meaning from complex topics. It is important to research the topic thoroughly, construct the points carefully, in order to make a convincing argument. Through debates, students learn how to synthesise complex information, exercise creativity, and integrate different understanding methods.

  • Builds Courage

The majority of students prefer to develop courage when they are speaking or arguing with others. Standing in front of peers with opposing viewpoints requires attention, preparation, and a bit of bravery. So the more the students participate in debates, the more their self-confidence will boost and their fear of public speaking will reduce.

  • The Integration of Knowledge

There is a wide variety of topics for debate across several disciplines. Students can gain knowledge outside their normal academic subjects by participating in classroom debates. Through debates, students gain a deeper understanding of real-world issues.

Features of a Good Debate

A good debate is like a work of art. It’s hard to put into words, but you’ll know it when you hear it.

Good debates have the following characteristics:

  1. Convenience: Students feel comfortable participating in the debate.
  2. Non-combative: Conversation is pleasant and pleasurable, without antagonism.
  3. Diverse: Concepts and viewpoints are communicated verbally.
  4. Targeted discussions that have a pedagogical objective.
  5. Trust serves as a mechanism by which students are encouraged to take intellectual risks

Classroom debates provide students with verbal, social, and auditory learning styles with a more comfortable way to connect with knowledge. Class debates give students the opportunity to compare their ideas and opinions with their classmates. Developing a relationship with students requires setting the right tone for conversation in the classroom, and debates can help.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.