Is Time Log an Efficient Way of Tracking Yourself

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4 min readApr 12, 2022

Time tracking is the measurement and documentation of time spent on any activity. For a student, time tracking is very important. Students mainly have to manage their studies with other activities. Talking about the workspace. When it comes to time tracking, it all boils down to perspective and company culture. Employers who use it as a control tool stifle employee creativity and motivation. If employers use it correctly, it increases productivity, engagement, and profitability. There are numerous aspects to timekeeping. You can be a fervent supporter because of all of its benefits, wary of it because of its misuse, and blissfully unaware of your flaws as a productive individual — all at once.

Consider using time tracking to fine-tune your lifestyle so that it is more productive and intentional.

Keeping track of your chores and interests can help you get a better picture of your time spent outside of work. If you cannot remember what you did last week, it is a problem. When you log your actions, you are essentially sketching out all of your responsibilities. You can sort through them to see what matters to you, such as spending quality time with your loved ones or learning a new skill or craft.

On a professional level, time tracking has numerous advantages for both employers and employees.

Time log: Efficient Way of Time Management

Tracking time gives insight into optimal work patterns throughout the day to assist employees in work-from-home environments, which can help you increase your productivity exponentially. Aside from external factors like child-rearing and quiet hours, the influence of your circadian rhythm on mental efficiency, the post-lunch performance dip, and the impact of time of day on cognitive functions are all factors that influence optimal work patterns. The morning lark/night owl dichotomy is a simple example. Some people are more productive in the mornings, while others are more productive at night.

Time tracking can provide you with an objective answer, allowing you to increase your productivity and boost your confidence.

Numerous Benefits of Time Log

1- Increased Productivity and Long-Term Working Habits

When you keep track of your time, you remind yourself that effort is more important than talent. To get things done, the truth is that you have to put in the time. Consider your accomplishments after you have been tracking your time for a while. Remove the 10,000-hour rule from the equation, but give yourself a pat on the back when the project you have been working on for weeks finally pays off. Accountability comes as a by-product of being aware of all the hard work you are putting in. This, in turn, leads to a sense of increased accountability for your work. You realise your contribution and role in the project you and your team have been working on.

2- Increased Progress

Another advantage is that it boosts profits. It makes perfect business sense to keep track of your time. It is a fantastic example of hard work. It not only identifies (and even rewards) top performers, but also detects scope creep, project inconsistencies, miscommunication, and inaccurate time/budget estimates.

Time logging’s purpose is to assist you in becoming more productive and efficient. It is easy to waste time when we do not know how much time we’re spending on different tasks because we don’t know how much time we’re spending on them.

Time logs provide you with the information you need to make the changes in your life that will propel you forward.

You can achieve better results if you have a better understanding of how much time you devote to various aspects of your life.

3- The Ability to Hold Yourself Accountable

Knowing that you are timing yourself and attempting to meet your goals is an excellent way to hold yourself accountable.

A timer that records your work regularly will help you stay focused and on track.

Some people only use a time log to get an idea of how they are doing right now. You should be able to avoid some of the common distractions that are currently affecting your productivity if you make it a regular habit.

4- A Clearer Picture of Your Capabilities

We cannot set realistic expectations if we do not know how long it takes us to complete certain tasks.

Consider the following scenario:

You might believe that you can finish a work assignment in an hour. However, your normal time may be an hour and a half or two hours.

When you keep track of your time and record it, you can see how long specific tasks take when you are focused and productive.

This makes it easier for us to create schedules and routines that are specific to our abilities.

5- Being Able to Concentrate on Important Things

We do many things out of habit. However, to develop new habits and fit more of what we need into our days, we must first improve our structure and gain a better understanding of where we are devoting our time.

You can learn what you are spending your time on, what you need to eliminate, and what you want to add to your day by keeping a time log.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.