Maha Shivratri 1st March 2022: Origin, Significance and Interesting Facts

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6 min readMar 1, 2022

Hindu festivals like Maha Shivratri are a chance to learn about the different Indian cultures.

This blog brings you the Origin, Significance and other Interesting Facts associated with Maha Shivratri!

What is the story behind Maha Shivratri?

Maha Shivratri is a very powerful festival amongst the Hindu devotees of Lord Shiva. It is celebrated every year all across the nation by the devotees and it has been marked as one of the most vital dates in the Hindu calendar. Lots of people worship at homes and temples and celebrate this festival by keeping a fast for their lord. This festival accomplishes self-reflection and self-analysis of accepting the norms and discarding all things that come in our path towards success.

Maha Shivratri marks the marriage anniversary of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It is also celebrated as the day on which Lord Shiva saved the planet from the pot of poison. It is believed that on this day, whoever keeps a fast and worships Lord Shiva will never have to go through the torture of hell.

The South Indian calendar states that in the month of Magha, the Chaturdashi Tithi during Krishna Paksha marks the beginning of the Maha Shivratri. On the contrary, the North Indian calendar states that in the month of Phalguna, Masik Shivratri is known as the Maha Shivratri.

Maha Shivratri 2022: Origin

There are several stories regarding the Origin of Maha Shivratri in the Puranas. Let us know some of them below:

  • Story one begins with the emergence of Samudra Manthan, an oceanic pot that consists of poison. All the Gods and Demons were highly petrified about their lives and also the world getting destroyed. So, with hopes in their heart, the Gods ran to Lord Shiva to seek help. To protect the world from the harmful and evil effects, Lord Shiva drank the entire poison but didn’t swallow it. Due to this, Lord Shiva’s throat turned blue and hence the name Neelakantha is one of many names people worship him as. Shivratri is widely celebrated as an event taking place due to which Lord Shiva saved the world.
  • Story two states that one fine day Brahma and Vishnu were in between a fight among themselves regarding who is more superior. The other Gods were horrified due to this ongoing fight and decided to seek help from Lord Shiva to put an end to this war. Shiva took a form of an enormous fire to make them realise how useless their fight was. The extent of the fire made both the Gods decide to find one end each to establish lordship over the other. Brahma got into the form of a swan and on the other hand Vishnu as Varaha went into the earth. The fire being limitless they couldn’t find the end even after searching for thousands of miles. While moving upwards, Brahma came across a Ketaki flower. He asked Ketaki her origin to which Ketaki replied that she had been placed at the top of the fiery column as an offering. Unable to find the upper limit Brahma took the flower as a witness and came back.
  • After listening to this, Shiva got to know about the real form and became very furious. So, Brahma was punished by Shiva for uttering a lie and Shiva cursed that no one will pray for him. For being used as an offering to any kind of worship the Ketaki flower was completely banned. In the dark half month of Phalguna, on the 14th day, Shiva first manifested himself in the form of a Linga. The day is thus considered to be auspicious and is celebrated as the Maha Shivratri. Worshiping Lord Shiva on this day bestows one with happiness and prosperity.
  • Probably the last story states that since the night is moonless, people worship Shiva, the lord who wears the crescent moon in his hair as an ornament. This makes sure that the moon rises the next night.

Maha Shivratri 2022: Significance

Devotees on this day take a holy bath in the river Ganga early in the morning and start observing their fast. On this special occasion, the devotees of Shiva observe a special puja in several Shiva temples. They have to take a bath for the second time in the evening before doing the Shivratri Puja (the one only done at night). They offer milk, Bilva Patra (also known as Bel Patra) and also other fruits and flowers to the Shivling and pray for Moksha. Many worshippers pray throughout the night by chanting mantras in respect to the Lord. Women pray for a happy married life with a good and loyal husband on this day. Various programs and cultural events are being organised in temples all across the nation.

Those people, who perform puja, keep fast, and offer prayers to Lord Shiva on this auspicious day are believed to be blessed with a life filled with happiness and good luck.

Maha Shivratri 2022: Interesting Facts

  • The meaning of the word, Maha Shivratri, means ‘Great night of Shiva’.
  • This special day is celebrated as the union of the two greatest forces of the Universe; Shiva and Shakti took place.
  • The most important time of the Shivratri night is the Nishita Kala or the time when Lord Shiva was manifested as Shiva Lingam on earth.
  • On this night, a dance performance known as the “Shiva Thandavam” was being performed by the lord, which is the dance of all creation and destruction.
  • On the day of Maha Shivratri, married women worship Lord Shiva for their husbands’ wellbeing.
  • Shivalinga is a major ritual on Maha Shivratri. Bathing the Shivalinga is using Milk, Honey, Sugar, black sesame seeds, Ganga Jal etc. After this, sandalwood paste and rice are applied on Shivalinga along with the serving of fresh fruits and flowers to the Lord.

Maha Shivratri 2022: Lessons from Lord Shiva

This Maha Shivratri 2022, here are some important life lessons for your child from one of the greatest Hindu Gods:

  • Lord Shiva couldn’t tolerate any kind of injustice and fairly destroyed the evil rakshasas. This is why he was known as the destroyer of evil. Similarly, even we should take a stand against injustice happening around us and try to keep zero tolerance for evil.
  • It is believed that half of Shiva was Parvati, so he was known as ‘Ardhanarishwar’. He treated her with the highest respect and care. She was his ‘shakti,’ and he gave her the value and importance she deserved.
  • When your mind is uncontrolled, you will find yourself living a disastrous life. You cannot win battles when you lose focus and give in to your inner desires and addictions. Therefore, you should align your thoughts with your goals and your heart too.
  • As a ‘Maha Yogi,’ Shiva meditated for hours for the wellbeing of the universe. His calmness was only disrupted by extreme circumstances, but otherwise, he would be in a meditative state. Hence, just by being calm when facing a stressful situation, you can win half the battle. That’s the best way to resolve a problem.
  • The Maha yogis do not believe in ‘Moh Maya’. They believe in the ephemeral nature of life and that what happens today will not be remembered forever. Time changes, and so does the individual.
  • It is only your ego that can prevent you from attaining greatness. This is the only thing that restricts your progress towards your goals and dreams. Shiva is said to have carried his Trishul to keep his ego in check. His ego was never bigger than any of his abilities, on the other hand, nor did he tolerate anyone else’s.
  • Shiva never obsessed over things, since he had no desires. Obsessions can lead to self-destruction when desires lead to them.
  • The Ganga in Shiva’s hair represents the end of ignorance. As a result, you should know what you are getting into. Denying facts won’t solve anything.
  • In India, Shiva is known as Nataraja, the King of Dance. Although his ‘tandav’ destroyed the world, it was also a cultural heritage that we inherited.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




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