Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2021

Virtual learning life though indirect physically, has a direct effect on our day-to-day health and life considering the long hours spent in front of blue-screens.

We may live on earth but we function in a digital space and hence it becomes necessary to regulate our daily activities. This becomes more crucial when it comes to e-education and semesters, which is a big change and requires a lot of tuning after having spent decades in traditional classrooms.

This is a change that none of us hoped for, not as the only option at least, but is here to stay for a long time. Hence, e-managing your e-education is the wise thing to do, to make the most and best out of your virtual academy life. Here’s how:

First and foremost, time-management

A skill set that is not only vital but was programmed into our routine by the methods of conventional classrooms, time-management was never really a major issue as being at a place physically made all of us abide by the routine, for say, school hours had to be study hours because we were physically present there.

The online world blurs that distinction as every aspect of our lives is overpowered by the digital space, be it socializing or learning. Hence, there is a need to set boundaries for ourselves to manage time. The majority of our daily tasks require a gadget and so here are some tips to avoid being exhausted:

  • Set and stick to a stricter daily schedule
  • Dodge social media distractions
  • Keep a set time to indulge in social media
  • Do not multitask
  • Give sufficient time to each subject
  • Take breaks whenever possible
  • Give your mind and body enough time to rest and rejuvenate

E-education environment to increase concentration

An ideal setting is a key to attentiveness. A good internet connection, a comfortable sitting (preferably a chair), well-lit space and minimal background sounds, and you have your perfect spot! That’s not all, in addition, you need to follow the below strategies:

  1. Do not be in or near the bedroom area, create a detached study area at home if possible.
  2. Avoid having any gadget around other than the one you are using for the online sessions.
  3. Cross or clear all unnecessary tabs, windows and apps.
  4. Do not switch off the video, as it will help you to stay more focused. It is human nature to get aware when being watched.
  5. Avoid taking screenshots in the class and rather listen more, and take proper notes. Revising from the screenshots later is a bad idea that results in just a huge album/folder on your device filled with the same.
  6. Do not hesitate to clear your doubts, speak instinctively (putting in time framing a sentence might lead you to doubt your question)
  7. Make an interactive group with your online learning companions

Enhance your resume with courses and Internships

All colleges and institutions have a particular program and you may have wanted to apply to one but couldn’t. Now, many courses and internships are being conducted online, and this is a good time to opt for such programs. Yes, the experience will be virtual but do not miss out.

Given the time saved from travelling to the place of study, we have surplus time to brush up our skills, from learning a new language to exploring a new interest to doing an internship that will make your resume stand out.

Also, being a part of the e-learning world, one inevitably develops a set of other skills one may not even realize. One learns to work in a team or groups even before their first job. Online classes demand that the students present themselves, thus giving them the necessary confidence.

Let social life occupy the co-driver seat and not the back seat

While you do all of that and more, do not completely forget to take a break. Find time for yourself, your family, your friends, scrolling social media, playing games and watching shows. Being physically absent in the real world might create a comfortable shell for some individuals and being connected is the key to being confident and happy.

Of course, you need to snooze

Taking a break isn’t just about socializing, our brains need to charge and sleep is essential for it to be fresh and energetic for the next day. Ideally, one needs a good seven to eight hours of night’s sleep.

e-education e-education e-education e-education e-education

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.