Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2021

“Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality”, Prof. Yann LeCun

Artificial intelligence: A windfall to the society

The intelligence represented by machines i.e., artificial intelligence is the path towards the bright future. It not only reduces human effort but also transforms every aspect of life by enabling people to rethink the use and analysis of the information. However, artificial intelligence is a very new concept and still there are many years left for AI to reach its zenith.

AI in Schools: A revolutionary step

AI has entered every aspect of life, and the educational sector is no oddity. It is used in schools as well as higher institutes as well. Administration, management, teachers and students are all the users of AI according to their convenience. In this blog, we will be discussing the use of AI in schools, its effects along with some benefits.

How AI affects education?

Nothing can replace the traditional methods and teachers but an additional input in the form of AI can be added to the curriculum to make the studies more effective and compulsive. Some of the roles that AI play in schools:

  • Automating various tasks: No school can work without back support of its management and administration. AI helps in smart work by automating various tasks like sending emails and messages, making reports, planning future lessons (in the case of teachers) for a huge database of students. For example, Quillionz is an AI-powered question generator.
  • Individualized learning for students: AI helps students with their own, personalized learning. School students learn the basics of professional courses like Robotics, Automation, Programming with the help of AI-powered tools. Such courses can be very beneficial to make students familiar with the latest advancements in technology.
  • Smart Content: Customized interfaces can be created for school students which are very user friendly. In the case of school students, smart content can be further categorized into:
  1. Mind mapping: It involves creating a visual representation of the curriculum with the help of AI so that students can first understand then learn. This is very important to avoid rote memorization
  2. Microlearning: It deals with the use of AI to detect specifically important topics that are very important for the student to be experts in their field.
  • Connecting the globe: AI being an inherent part of the IT industry, numerous courses are interlinked between the two. School Students from all over the globe can connect, attend workshops together, can sit for exams/tests of international level from the comfort of their home etc. with the use of AI. ‘WebEx’ is an AI-powered video conferencing software that can connect school students throughout the globe.
  • Any time access to learning: Education through AI is not only restricted to schools, it is accessible from other places as well. AI enables a student to go through the recorded lectures as many times as he/she wants, for a better understanding of concepts. With the help of AI, a platform can be created for all the students of a school that can be worked upon when a student is most active and productive. This will reduce the work pressure on teachers as they won’t be getting calls from students at absurd times.
  • No barriers for specially-abled students: Sometimes, it becomes very difficult for children with special needs to follow the regular school curriculum and they have to take admission in special schools. But, isn’t there any way by which these students can continue studying in regular schools? Well with the use of AI it is possible.
  • Proctored tests: With the rise in the concept of online studies, schools are facing dilemmas related to the conduct of examinations. Exams are the way to test the knowledge of students but, in online mode cases related to cheating have increased. Students can clear online exams without studying which is not good for their future. So, to avoid cheating in exams, AI-enabled proctored software is used. Such software’s use a webcam and voice recognition to keep an eye on students while they give exams.
  • Apart from all these benefits of AI, various other sources built on AI can also help students regarding their school education. For example, an online platform that is AI-powered and helps students to increase their efficiency in studies.

Key Takeaways

With more and more advancements in AI, school students can plan their career paths with clarity and work in achieving their goals. On the other hand, schools can contribute to building new smart generations with the help of this wonderful source, AI.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.