Personalized vs. Differentiated vs. Individualised learning

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4 min readNov 10, 2021

Modern classrooms have students of different interests, experiences, and aptitudes and hence learning in such classrooms needs to be multidimensional.

Learning is not the same all the time, and it can vary according to the needs of an individual, an organization, or the management. It can take many forms, but the goal remains common for all: student compatibility and convenience in the learning process.

In the digital age, we hear a lot of terms such as personalised and individualised in the education sector that suggests that the learning needs of each individual are different, but they do not mean the same. Let’s find out some nomenclature of the EdTech world.

What is Personalized vs. differentiated vs. individualized learning

All these may sound synonyms, but they are different in terms of learning. The contrasts and similarities of these three concepts as they connect to the student appear to be causing some misunderstanding in the education field. This blog will help us to understand the differences between Personalized, Differentiated, and Individualized Learning. Moreover, a rudimentary mindset will develop among the readers about the three forms of learning.

Let us now learn about the meaning of all these forms in a not-so-complex language.

Personalized learning: In this type of learning, everything is unique for different learners. Objectives of the learning process, Speed of the discussions, Subject matter, lecture delivery, etc., all vary according to the learner. Learners are involved in the formulation of learning activities, and their curiosity, as well as their interests, are prioritized.

Personalization helps students to manage their learning — to take control and accountability of it, in addition to reacting to their needs and interests. Personalized learning is more about convenience than communication for instructors.

Individualized learning: In this type of learning, goals associated with the learning process remain the same, but students can progress according to different speeds. Students who want to evaluate previously covered material, students who don’t want to spend energy on the information they’ve already mastered, or students who need to move through the syllabus more slowly or immerse themselves in a particular topic or principle will seek benefit from this approach.

Differentiated learning: Differentiation is the ‘how’ if individualization is the ‘when.’ Students can choose their learning preferences and what works the best for them. To connect with a student, a teacher has the freedom to employ whatever tools and techniques he finds suitable or to apply practices that have worked for comparable pupils before.

Active response of the students is required irrespective of what a teacher differentiates-whether it’s subject content, the learning method, or even the learning environment. It entails being flexible in evaluation, grouping, and instruction to provide an outstanding learning experience.

It was all about the three forms of learning. Let us go on to the next phase, which is the distinctions between Personalized, Differentiated, and Individualized Learning, now that we have covered the terminology and understand the meaning of these learning styles.

1) Based on the learner: Personalized learning begins with the learner. Differentiated learning starts with a group of learners, whereas individualized learning focuses on the need of an individual learner.

2) Connections made during the learning process: Interests, passions, and aspirations all get connected with personalized learning. On the other hand, differentiated learning adjusts according to the learning needs of the group of students, whereas the learning needs of an individual get addressed with Individualized learning.

3) Participation: Active participation of learners to mould their learning is a characteristic of personalized learning. Differentiated form of learning involves clear-cut instructions based upon the needs of the group of learners, which is also true in the case of individualized learning, the only difference being the individual in place of a group.

4) Objectives: There are different objectives for each learner in the case of personalized learning, same goals for groups of learners for Differentiated learning. Here, in the case of individualized learning, objectives are the same for learners but with specific objectives for those who receive one-to-one support.

5) Technology and resources: For personalized learning, learners select resources and technology appropriately to support their learning process, whereas, in the case of differentiated learning, technology is to meet the learning needs of a group. Individualized learning selects resources to meet the needs of an individual, and accordingly, technology plays a role.

6) Networks and Guidance: Peers, Experts, and Teachers get embedded into a network that guides and supports the learner in the personalized learning process. For differentiated learning, learners depend upon the guidance of teachers to strengthen the process. Last but not least, in individualized learning, learners are dependent on individual teachers to help them.

7) Assessment: Assessment is a very crucial part of any learning process. Assessment AS learning is what personalized learning is all about. Assessment FOR learning is an attribute of Differentiated learning. Individualized learning revolves around the assessment of learning.

8) Process: In personalized learning, teachers create independent learners, those who help with setting goals, monitoring progress, and deciding assessments based on students’ ability and mastery. Time-based testing and feedback of teachers are a part of the differentiated form of learning. When the process is grade-based and involves time-based management to confirm what learners know and what they don’t, it becomes individualized learning.

9) Lessons: With personalized learning in action, learners also have a choice on what they can learn, but when teachers’ roles according to the needs of learners, it is differentiated learning. In the case of individualized learning, teachers modify lessons according to the demand of Individuals.

Key Takeaways

We have covered in-depth all three forms of learning, but one thing to be kept in mind is that all these types are synchronous with each other at some point in time. Choose wisely between the three, analyse them properly and then conclude the best suited for you

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.