Prepare For Your Exams Smartly With These 8 Tips

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3 min readAug 17, 2019

Many students wonder how to perfect the art of exam preparation. Often times, exams can cause anxiety and stress. But, that doesn’t have to be the case. There are many tried and tested techniques that will help you prepare for exams smartly. Let’s take a look at 8 of them –

1. Avoid Panic

Rather than getting into panic mode as exams approach, adopt a positive attitude. Sometimes, yoga and meditation can help your mind focus better, too. Even while studying, remember the importance of taking 5–15 minute breaks every now and then so you don’t exert yourself beyond a point of return.

2. Create A Plan

Creating a plan that outlines what material needs to be reviewed in order of importance will help you manage your study time effectively. Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher for clarity, if needed. Furthermore, based on your schedule, at what time of day/night will you study? A strategic and realistic study plan will help you prepare smartly.

3. Identify Study Method(s)

How do you learn best? Will you re-write your notes into cheat/review sheets? Will you rely on flash cards? Will you read your notes out loud to a peer or family member? Does highlighting chapters help? Mnemonics and acronyms? How about study groups? It’s about studying smart, not hard, necessarily.

4. Practice Makes Perfect

Most exams require the demonstration of practical knowledge, whether it be essay questions, short answers or math equations. Practice tests are a great way to test your theoretical knowledge, and it will help you identify weak points on time, too, so you can address those areas before the actual exam. This is one of the key reasons SpeedLabs incorporates regular practice sessions at every step of the way — it ensures each student fully grasps a concept before proceeding to the next one. Additionally, our seasoned tutors closely monitor analytics to help a student with areas they are weaker in.

5. Ask Questions

If there are areas you know you need extra help with, don’t be afraid to ask questions to your teacher, classmate or tutor. There is no such thing as a dumb question — in fact, it shows you are being attentive to information being presented to you in each class. Tutors at SpeedLabs offer each student one-on-one time to clear all their doubts.

6. Remember To Unwind

Don’t forget to also take time out for things you enjoy — even 30 minutes of reading a book, playing your favorite game or meeting your friends will help you counter stress and approach studying with a rejuvenated mind.

7. Get Organized

Before your exam, keep everything you need in one easy-to-access place — supplies, water, snacks, clothes, etc. Set an alarm clock, if needed. And, plan to have a healthy breakfast in the morning of your big day. Most importantly, make sure you get enough sleep before the exam so you’re fully energized.

8. Never Give Up

No matter what happens, do not give up. Focus on reaching your ultimate target with utmost persistence. You will be just fine!

Remember, procrastination doesn’t yield appealing exam results. A pragmatic approach will help you tackle each subject in a smooth manner. We hope these eight tips will help you conquer each exam in the best manner.

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.