Revised CBSE Syllabus of Class 11 Chemistry and Biology

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6 min readMay 16, 2022

To begin preparing for theory and practical exams, students should review the most recent Revised CBSE Syllabus of Class 11 Chemistry and Biology. The CBSE Class 11 Chemistry syllabus 2022 includes chapters and topics that must be studied to pass the exam. The CBSE curriculum committee developed the Updated CBSE Class 11 Chemistry syllabus 2022–23 and CBSE Class 11 Biology syllabus 2022–23.

Updated CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus for 2022–23

Unit-I Diversity of Living Organisms

1: The Living World What is living? Biodiversity; Need for classification; binomial nomenclature; Three domains of life;

2: Biological Classification Five kingdom classification; Salient features and classification of Protista, and Fungi into major groups; Lichens, Viruses, Viroids and Monera.

3: Plant Kingdom Salient features and classification of plants into major groups — Algae, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms (salient and distinguishing features and a few examples of each category)

4: Animal Kingdom Salient features and classification of animals, non-chordates up to phyla level and chordates up to class level (salient features and distinguishing features of a few examples of each category).

Unit-II Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants

5: Morphology of Flowering Plants Morphology and modifications:

6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants

7: Structural Organisation in Animals Animal tissues;

Unit-III Cell: Structure and Function

Chapter-8: Cell-The Unit of Life Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life, structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Plant cell and animal cell; cell envelope; cell membrane, cell wall; cell organelles — structure and function; endomembrane system, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles, mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, microbodies; cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles (ultrastructure and function); nucleus.

9: Biomolecules Chemical constituents of living cells: biomolecules, structure, and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids; Enzymes- types, properties, enzyme action.

10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis, and their significance

Unit-IV Plant Physiology

11: Transport in Plants (deleted)

12: Mineral Nutrition (deleted)

13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Photosynthesis as a means of autotrophic nutrition; site of photosynthesis, pigments involved in photosynthesis (elementary idea); photochemical and biosynthetic phases of photosynthesis; cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation; Chemiosmotic Hypothesis; photorespiration; C3 and C4 pathways; Factors affecting photosynthesis.

14: Respiration in Plants

Exchange of gases; cellular respiration — glycolysis, fermentation (anaerobic), TCA cycle and electron transport system (aerobic); energy relations — number of ATP molecules generated; amphibolic pathways; respiratory quotient.

15: Plant — Growth and Development (deleted)

Unit-V Human Physiology

16: Digestion and Absorption

17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases Respiratory organs in animals (recall only); Respiratory system in humans; Mechanism of breathing and its regulation in humans — exchange of gases, transport of gases and regulation of respiration, respiratory volume; disorders related to respiration — asthma, emphysema, occupational respiratory disorders.

18: Body Fluids and Circulation Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood; composition of lymph and its function; human circulatory system — Structure of human heart and blood vessels; cardiac cycle, cardiac output, ECG; double circulation; regulation of cardiac activity; disorders of the circulatory system — hypertension, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, heart failure.

19: Excretory Products and their Elimination Modes of excretion — ammonotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism; human excretory system — structure and function; urine formation, osmoregulation; regulation of kidney function — renin-angiotensin, atrial natriuretic factor, ADH and diabetes insipidus; the role of other organs in excretion; disorders — uremia, renal failure, renal calculi, nephritis; dialysis and artificial kidney, a kidney transplant.

Chapter-20 (deleted)

21: Neural Control and Coordination Neuron and nerves; Nervous system in humans — central nervous system; the peripheral nervous system and visceral nervous system; generation and conduction of nerve impulse;

22: Chemical Coordination and Integration Endocrine glands and hormones; human endocrine system — hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gonads; mechanism of hormone action (elementary idea); the role of hormones as messengers and regulators, hypo — and hyperactivity and related disorders; dwarfism, acromegaly, cretinism, goitre, exophthalmic goitre, diabetes, Addison’s disease. Note: Diseases related to all the human physiological systems to be taught in brief.


1: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

General Introduction: Importance and scope of Chemistry. Atomic and molecular masses, mole concept and molar mass, percentage composition, empirical and molecular formula, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, and calculations based on stoichiometry.

2: Structure of Atom

Bohr’s model and its limitations, concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of matter and light, de Broglie’s relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the concept of orbitals, quantum numbers, shapes of s, p and d orbitals, rules for filling electrons in orbitals — Aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle, and Hund’s rule, electronic configuration of atoms, stability of half-filled and filled orbitals

3: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Modern periodic law and the present form of the periodic table, periodic trends in properties of elements -atomic radii, ionic radii, inert gas radii, Ionization enthalpy, and electron gain enthalpy, electronegativity, valency. Nomenclature of elements with atomic numbers greater than 100.

4: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

Valence electrons, ionic bond, covalent bond, bond parameters, Lewis structure, polar character of covalent bond, covalent character of ionic bond, valence bond theory, resonance, geometry of covalent molecules, VSEPR theory, concept of hybridization, involving s, p and d orbitals and shapes of some simple molecules, molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules (qualitative idea only), Hydrogen bond.

5: Redox Reactions

Concept of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, oxidation number, balancing redox reactions, in terms of loss and gain of electrons and change in oxidation number.

6: Hydrogen

Position of hydrogen in periodic table, occurrence, isotopes, hydrides-ionic covalent and interstitial; physical and chemical properties of water, heavy water, hydrogen as a fuel

7: Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques

General introduction, classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. Electronic displacements in a covalent bond: inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance, and hyperconjugation. Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond: free radicals, carbocations, carbanions, electrophiles and nucleophiles, types of organic reactions.

8: States of Matter: Gases and Liquids

Three states of matter, intermolecular interactions, types of bonding, melting and boiling points, role of gas laws in elucidating the concept of the molecule, Boyle’s law, Charles law, Gay Lussac’s law, Avogadro’s law, ideal behaviour, empirical derivation of gas equation, Avogadro’s number, ideal gas equation and deviation from ideal behaviour.

9: Chemical Thermodynamics

Concepts of Systems and Types of Systems, surroundings, work, heat, energy, extensive and intensive properties, state functions. First law of thermodynamics -internal energy and enthalpy, measurement of U and H, Hess’s law of constant heat summation, enthalpy of bond dissociation, combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, ionization, solution and dilution. Second law of Thermodynamics (brief introduction)

Introduction of entropy as a state function, Gibb’s energy change for spontaneous and nonspontaneous processes.

Third law of thermodynamics (brief introduction).

10: Equilibrium

Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilibrium, law of mass action, equilibrium constant, factors affecting equilibrium — Le Chatelier’s principle, ionic equilibrium- ionisation of acids and bases, strong and weak electrolytes, degree of ionisation, ionisation of polybasic acids, acid strength, concept of pH, buffer solution, solubility product, common ion effect (with illustrative examples).

11: s -Block Elements

Group 1 and Group 2 Elements -General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, anomalous properties of the first element of each group, diagonal relationship, trends in the variation of properties (such as ionisation enthalpy, atomic and ionic radii), trends in chemical reactivity with oxygen, water, hydrogen and halogens, uses.

12: Some p -Block Elements

General Introduction to p -Block Elements

Group 13 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, variation of properties, oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity, anomalous properties of the first element of the group, Boron — physical and chemical properties.

Group 14 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, variation of properties, oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity, anomalous behaviour of first elements.

Carbon-catenation, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties.

13: Hydrocarbons

Classification of Hydrocarbons Aliphatic Hydrocarbons:

Alkanes — Nomenclature, isomerism, conformation (ethane only), physical properties, chemical reactions.

Alkenes — Nomenclature, structure of double bond (ethene), geometrical isomerism, physical properties, methods of preparation, chemical reactions: addition of hydrogen, halogen, water, hydrogen halides (Markovnikov’s addition and peroxide effect), ozonolysis, oxidation, mechanism of electrophilic addition.

Alkynes — Nomenclature, structure of triple bond (ethyne), physical properties, methods of preparation, chemical reactions: acidic character of alkynes, addition reaction of — hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides and water.

Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Introduction, IUPAC nomenclature, benzene: resonance, aromaticity, chemical properties: mechanism of electrophilic substitution. Nitration, sulphonation, halogenation, Friedel Crafts alkylation and acylation, directive influence of the functional group in monosubstituted benzene. Carcinogenicity and toxicity

All the students are advised to properly go through the Revised CBSE Syllabus of Class 11 Chemistry and Biology. The Revised CBSE syllabus is where the preparation begins.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




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