Technology — A mentor in today’s education system

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2 min readMay 6, 2020

At every level, mentoring is recognized as being an effective and highly-beneficial way to educate, develop and grow. This year, more than ever before, mentoring is so vital to individual success for students.

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Mentoring offers key support and guidance in an alternative way to traditional coaching, teaching and education. Often considered as a less formal approach to learning, mentoring can help students to learn from the experience of individuals in relevant industries and roles. Unlike coaching and training, mentoring is usually driven by the student, or mentee. There are three aspects of mentorship :

  • It is down to them to set the expectations with their mentor, think about what they are hoping to gain from being mentored and ultimately what their objectives for being mentored are.
  • Whether these are short-term goals and support targets such as help with interview training and specific workplace challenges.
  • Longer-term goals such as general career support and industry insights.

For students both at school considering higher education courses, and those already involved with higher education, mentoring can help enormously. Of course, most schools, colleges and universities pour significant resources into careers advice and support departments but offering mentoring can act as a powerful additional aid.

Due to Covid-19 every schools, colleges is shut down. Every school / Coaching/ University is conducting online classes with the help of various online platform. In this tough time only technology shows a way forward!

Role of Technology :

  • Technology is being increasingly used to allow schools, universities, companies and organisations to manage mentoring programmes in a far more resource-effective and scalable way.
  • With mentoring software and technology, it is far easier to make mentoring accessible for increasing numbers of students, mentees and mentors.
  • The technology available takes care of mentor matching and then allows mentor programme managers to monitor and review these mentoring relationships.
  • What is more, the technology on the market can then take care of automated engagement with ‘nudge’ emails, reporting on targets and goals, meetings scheduled and a whole host of additional reporting data-sets too.
  • Technology offers a much personalized way of learning. A learning which is student specific

So, for those individuals and educational institutes looking for ways to expand existing mentoring programmes or start new schemes, consider the technology out there. It could significantly help you to make mentoring more resource-effective and accessible, as it becomes increasingly important to offer.

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.