Things Teachers Should Never Say in a Classroom

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4 min readApr 25, 2022

A positive teacher-student relationship is essential in the classroom because it serves as the foundation for effective learning. A successful, healthy relationship will result in improved classroom management, increased academic success, and a positive student-teacher relationship. You might have been scared of many teachers in your lifetime! You might also remember the harsh times when the teacher said someone bad to you, right.

Here are the reasons why teachers must be reasonable in their interactions with their students:

  • Teachers’ words to students may later be used against them in court.
  • It is unacceptable to generalise about students based on their gender, race, sexual orientation, or physical appearance.
  • Teachers should be cautious about the words they use because they may jeopardise the students.
  • Some of the things teachers say to students may cause tensions between students and teachers.
  • Words that are hurtful to students may cause problems with other students and school administrators.
  • Words that are hurtful to students may exacerbate tensions between groups of students in the student body.
  • Students may invent stories based on their words, which may have an impact on their relationships with others.
  • Negative comments can have serious consequences for students, such as dropping out.
  • Inappropriate language can have an impact on a student’s self-esteem.
  • Inappropriate language may cause conflict with parents or guardians.
  • Students may use critical words in situations where they are not appropriate.
  • Be mindful of what you say to your students if you are a teacher.

What Should Teachers Avoid Saying to Their Students?

Teachers should be supportive in any way they can to create the best learning environment possible. Even when we mean well, our words can sometimes come out wrong and hurtful. Here is a list of some things teachers should never say to their students:

  • “You’re a slacker!”
  • “I’m not interested in hearing any excuses.” We all have heard this, right.
  • “What?”Are you still working on it?”
  • “Do you need me to do this for you?”
  • “I believe you are capable of doing better.” Was it motivation and demotivation for you?
  • “Are you even attempting to do this correctly?”
  • “You’re just bad at math!”
  • “You’ll get a zero if I have to explain it again.”
  • “Do you find that amusing?”
  • “It’s too late now to change it.”
  • “Is that all you’re capable of?”
  • “I’m not sure you’re cut out for this.”
  • “Don’t be concerned; I’ve seen worse!”
  • “You’re not going to make it through this.”
  • “That wasn’t the response I was looking for.”
  • “You did not read the lesson.”
  • “I don’t care what you think; just get your work done.”
  • “This is simple.”How come you can’t get it?”
  • “Go somewhere else if you don’t like it.”
  • “How come you didn’t do what I asked?” Well, students usually are not able to answer this!

What Kind of Things Can Teachers Say to Their Students?

Teachers have many things to say to their students. Teachers, for example, may say, “Do your best!” or “I will not tolerate that behaviour.” They can also tell their students to leave class (“What are you doing in my classroom?”) or to get extra help if they are failing their assignments.

Here is a list of some phrases that teachers may use with their students:

  • “What exactly are you doing in my classroom?”
  • “You’re almost there, just keep trying!”
  • When students are doing something absurd. “I will not allow talking in my class.”
  • “Are you serious?” “You’re mistaken!”
  • “Be quiet and get down to business.” Can be said sometimes
  • “Give it your all!” Motivating students is very important.
  • “I want you to take it one step at a time.”
  • “That’s the correct answer; excellent work.” Students should be acknowledged for their good work.
  • “I will not tolerate that behaviour.”
  • “If you have a problem, go see Mr Teacher” It is fine to let children take help from other teachers.
  • “I’ll help you after class, but I won’t be able to help you during it.”
  • “Go get some extra help from Mrs Teacher Lady if you need it!”
  • “The answer is… (2x+3y=5).”
  • “How did you arrive at that answer?”
  • “How do you intend to approach this problem?”
  • “What did you get for number four?”
  • “This is very important, so pay attention.”
  • “If you don’t have your homework, come see me after class.”
  • “You’re doing fantastic!”
  • “Keep it up!”

All children want to have teachers who are approachable and nice to them!

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.