Tips for effective study during the festive season

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3 min readMar 3, 2020

You might wonder by looking at the number of festivals we celebrate across the year. Be it Diwali, Dusshehra, Christmas or Ramzan, or Holi every festival is celebrated with pomp and joy by the various communities in India. Though every festival brings with it lots of happiness to everyone, they are perceived as unnecessary speed bumps by the competitive exam aspirants. To the aspirants of government exams like SSC, Civil Services, CTET, etc, the primary challenge in the festive season is to sustain their ‘preparation momentum’ in the midst of the festive fervor.

Holi is coming and every year almost it comes during Board exams, making it difficult for 10th and 12th students to focus. Here giving some tips to overcome the difficulty.

  1. Plan your studies in advance

Aspirants must realize that they have to have a study plan according to the festive season. Allocating more time for revision instead of studying new concepts, having intensive study in the early morning and in the night (ideally between 10pm-12pm), discussing the topics of mutual importance with your friends and relatives whom you might have to meet as part of the festivities, etc will help you in sustaining the preparation even during the festive season.

  1. Have a study space of your own

During festivals, house is filled with friends and relatives. Thats Why, it is necessary for the aspirants find a suitable place in your home, where you don’t get disturbed. Be sure, that the place doesn’t have any distractions like television, internet, etc so that the little time you get will be utilized to the maximum possible.

  1. Develop the right attitude

Live with the fact that it is impossible to prepare for any exam with a high momentum always. That’s why, it is necessary to give proper breaks so that your body-mind system get sufficient needed break period. Think that the festivals that come along the way your preparation journey as the right time to take break. This attitude gives a clarity of thought to aspirants help them cope with the stresses.

  1. Amend your routine as necessary

Have a good time with your friends and family members during the festive time. Participate in all the activities with full heart as you will feel guilty later for not spending good time when you had a chance to do . This may even lead to unwanted stress and tension after the festive season and disturb the preparation in the future. Always remember that the job is to maintain the balance between the studies and participating in the festivities and taking most of it from whatever the work you are doing.

  1. Keep things simple

During festivals, you have to do multitasking like studies, household work, attending guests, participating in prayers, meeting friends and relatives home during the festive season, don’t look for perfection in your activities. Be satisfied even with an average outcome of an activity and keep the things simple so that they are manageable for you.


Participating in the festivities doesn’t mean that you give up preparation altogether. Realise the fact that a busy man always has time for everything; This becomes possible only with proper planning, living in the present and developing the right attitudes. Make use of the above given tips during the festive season and get the most out of them.

Best wishes, Keep Shining !

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.