Tips for NEET 2020 Aspirants

Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2020

Most of you all would’ve been troubled or disturbed by numerous thoughts during your preparation time for NEET, considering the pandemic. Instead of letting these unnecessary thoughts bother you, you must try to focus on your present, whatever is at hand. Try to empower yourself with a good preparation and use this preparation to crack your examination with a high score.

Your motto should be to gain success with hope and perseverance; never fear. Success comes to those who expect nothing and take nothing for granted. A good amount of hard-work and positivity is what will enable you to excel. You should not take this challenge as a disadvantage. Rather you must understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages. It gives you the required learning for your lifetime.

The struggle you are in today, is developing the strength you need tomorrow. Do not treat this examination as a threat. Life will put many obstacles in your path that are worse than difficult exams and low grades. But you would’ve already developed resilience and maturity to deal with those by then. Therefore, when it comes this examination, have faith in yourself. You must remember that you have dedicated several months for preparation and sat for long hours, studying. Think that nobody is going to be as well prepared as you are. Never underestimate yourself because you already have the potential to do it, and you can do it!

Challenge your negative thoughts. For example, if you think that performing badly on the exam will ruin your life, tell yourself that this is not true. Then replace that thought with a more accurate one — failing a test may hurt your desire to get into a government medical college, but it’s not the end of the world. You always have a chance to attempt again, or find a way out. Moreover, it is a very rare possibility that you would perform badly. Believe in yourself and trust the process.

“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”

Try your best to keep calm before the exam. Being overly anxious will block the natural ability of the mind to perform. Since you have prepared well, there is absolutely no need for you to stress over the exam or the results. Turn inwards and evaluate yourself, appreciate your hard-work and boost your self-confidence. This is an effective way to calm the test-time nerves. In order to reduce anxiety, make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet and get adequate amount of sleep on the night before your exam. A lack of sleep carries with it a number of negative things including memory issues, diminished critical thinking skills as well as anxiety and nervousness. A sleepy student performs poorer and exhibits greater anxiety. Sources suggest that college students should try to get a minimum of 7–8 hours of solid sleep each night in order to maintain good health and calm those nerves. A short meditation or prayer could be quite effective in boosting feelings of calm and peace as well.

“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.”

SpeedLabs wishes each one of you all the luck for NEET 2020. Give your best shot on it and you will surely achieve your goal easily. Don’t let pressure get a hold on you. Stand strong, all the best!

Keep Shining !

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.