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4 min readAug 11, 2021

Traditional formal education and degrees are not sufficient in the 21st century.

One needs to possess multiple other skills and talents, and the way forward to it is the right certification courses. A person needs to be proficient in other skills so as to stand apart from the crowd. These skills are helpful in developing an overall character of a person and hence, they can’t be ignored.

How and what to choose?

The most common dilemmas faced while opting for these courses are which one is better, what to choose from the numerous available options, etc. In this blog, we will be discussing all these problems and try to figure out the solutions for the same.

Before proceeding further, there is something one needs to understand that all the certification courses require proper devotion of time as well as the use of resources. Keeping this particular point in mind will help students to utilize their caliber to the maximum extent.

So before going for any certificate course one must answer the following questions to himself/herself. You should not start hunting for certification before answering these questions. Once these questions are solved it will be very easy for you to pursue the certification course of your wish.

What are my interests?

A person should go for that certification which will keep him/her engaged throughout. Let’s understand this with an example: suppose you are an engineering student and you want to learn to program so in this case you will find the best-suited programming course for yourself and will work upon it in order to gain a certificate, for say an engineer will opt for a course of JAVA or PYTHON, etc.

Apart from this if you are interested in some other skill set apart from your formal curriculum, take as many certifications as you can. This will help you to enhance and work better on that particular skill. For example music and language certifications.

What are my goals/ambitions?

A person should decide his/her goals before deciding on the certificate. Such goals include:

  • Is this certificate meant for an increment in salary?
  • Will this certificate help you to advance in your profession or will help you to become the subject expert?

What is the future scope of the course?

According to a report, 70% of global IT professionals are already planning for their next certification. This means that one should not stop after completing one certification course and should plan for the next one because:

  • This provides an opportunity to relearn certain concepts again
  • Expired certificates can be renewed on a regular basis

Proper homework?

While going for any certification make sure to keep following in the mind:

  • Requirements associated with the course
  • Time required for the course
  • Is the certificate recognized by the industry and experts?
  • What is the common link between the certificate and your career?
  • Is there any expiration related to the course?
  • Various advantages associated with the certification course

According to various reports, an individual with more certified skills makes more salary than one with less certification. A person who becomes a subject expert feels more confident than before. One has a detailed understanding of the matter and this makes one more presentable.

With more skills in your pocket, it gets easier to build an effective resume and search for a job or a better job than your previous one. Some companies have very strict policies in their hiring process and they won’t even consider you eligible for the interview unless you possess a certain level of certification.

Different certification tracks

Various certifications are present in various industries. These include:

  • Financial certifications are meant for imparting financial knowledge/courses to students.
  • Technology, certifications for programming, design or any other software related to technology studies.
  • Health care, certifications for those individuals who are in the medical field.
  • Marketing certification: offer courses like media marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, customer development, market research etc.
  • Award certificates are those which are usually given on accomplishment of any task, competition etc.
  • Skilled certificates (apart from formal education): Meant for activities like photography, cooking, art etc.

Key Takeaways

Having certificates is important but more focus should be made on developing skills instead of just collecting certificates. People think that only gaining more certificates without developing skills will help them with their ambitions and goals but, in the end only your expertise matters. Moreover, one must understand that without skills, certificates are not more than just a plain piece of paper.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.