Top 10 Films That Promote Education — How Is Art In The Form Of Cinema Promoting The Importance Of Education?

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3 min readMay 29, 2021

Before moving on to the Top 10 films that promote education, We live in the 21st century which has become synonymous with the era of technology. Our world has become smaller and more connected to one another. Gone are those days where education was just about learning from a textbook or sitting in a classroom. In today’s day and age, education has adopted a new meaning and way of imparting knowledge and art in the form of cinema, music, dance, and creativity has an integral role to play in it.

Films have the power to build an emotional and sentimental connection with their audiences. The students of today’s age no longer find appeal and engagement in the orthodox textbook and seek for entertainment sources to aid their learning and allow them to transcend learning beyond classroom boundaries.

So while it has been established that film can be a powerful and effective educational tool, helping children from all backgrounds, ethnicities and races connect and come together, how and to what extent can films be used in learning?

Visual learning

Movies act as a way for children to be able to visualize and imagine themselves in certain situations which would otherwise not possible with textbooks and conceptual learning only. For instance, historical and biographical movies allow children to study the lives of historical figures from a theatrical perspective which calls for a deeper and more profound understanding than just text on paper.

Life Lessons and Values

Movies open doors of knowledge and understanding not just in terms of theory but also they touch upon important life lessons and learning which would hold no meaning and understanding in textbooks.

Interest and Engagement

Movies hold the power to engage their audiences. Often students are bored and disinterested in route learning as it curbs their creativity. Therefore, movies act as an engaging source of entertainment that not only grasps their attention but allows them to learn important concepts without losing interest.

Learning new life skills

Subtitles on videos have proven to improve reading and literacy skills and encourage children to pay more attention to the video. They also invite learners to take up the challenge to learn a new language and get familiar with the pronunciations. Therefore, students are interested in learning new life skills such as languages and improving their oral communication with the help of movies.

Society benefits at large

Movies act as a source of learning for disadvantaged groups in society such as those who have learning disabilities. The emotional bond and ethos appeal that movies have allows them to create a rare connection with society. Those from deprived or lower-income backgrounds struggle to read and write but find an immediate connection with movies and find deep meanings from them.

The famous phrase “Art knows no prejudice, art knows no boundaries, art doesn’t really have a judgement in its purest form” fits perfectly in the context of education. Our world is segmented by race, colour, prejudices, and caste systems. However, educational films bring us together and with the emergence of technology and the growth of the film industry, films can be viewed as ‘universal language’ trying to bridge the gap in the disparities that are present in the education system.

top 10 films that promote education and how they do so!

Top 10 Films That Promote Education and its Importance: MUST WATCH!

  • Freedom Writers (2007)
  • The Ron Clark Story (2006)
  • Mr. Holland’s Opus (1995)
  • The Breakfast Club (1985)
  • Summer School (1987)
  • 3 Idiots (2010)
  • Precious (2009)
  • Stand and Deliver (1988)
  • Dead Poets Society (1989)
  • School of Rock (2003)


  • A new culture of Learning by Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown
  • The use of the University by Clark Kerr
  • DIY U by Anya Kamenetz
  • Waiting for Superman by Karl Weber
  • 5 Minds for the Future by Howard Gardner

This rounds up our list of Top 10 films that promote education.

Keep Learning!!

This rounds up our list of Top 10 films that promote education. This rounds up our list of Top 10 films that promote education. This rounds up our list of Top 10 films that promote education. This rounds up our list of Top 10 films that promote education. This rounds up our list of Top 10 films that promote education.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.