Top 6 ways to be a consistent winner

Published in
4 min readJan 28, 2021

It will come as no surprise that any kind of exam can be a daunting task. Here are some ways to prepare for any exam and shining in that.

  1. Know Your Syllabus & Exam Pattern

Knowing the syllabus and exam pattern is the prerequisite to understand and prepare for any examination whatsoever. It is imperative for students to thoroughly scan through the syllabus for the exam and make note of the weightage each chapter carries. Besides that, scanning through previous year’s papers can help understand the examination and familiarize you with the types of questions asked, difficulty level, etc., thereby giving you an edge over others.

  1. Set targets to compete

Nothing goes wrong if you have the right plan. A judicious plan is one that includes a proper time table or a study schedule, which helps in timely preparation and keeps you disciplined. Apart from that, setting specific, realistic, and attainable goals keeps procrastination at bay as each task is assigned duration and is supposed to be completed on the set date and time. This not only helps you get rid of haphazardness but also helps you determine how much work is done and how much is left to be done.

  1. Clear your fundamentals

The race is half won if your fundamentals and concepts are clear. Therefore, it is advisable to understand the concepts and learn. Conceptual and application-based learning paves the way to success as you can remember them for a long time. While doing so, keep making notes, highlight the important information, and make a formulae sheet where you can pen down all the formulae, equations, or difficult terminologies. This will aid you in quick revision during exam time without having to go through the entire book.

  1. Have faith in your abilities

Faith is the foundation stone of the path to success that guides and motivates you when you feel like giving up. It helps you build endurance and the will to succeed and overcome all the hurdles that come your way. Having faith in your abilities can leverage your opportunities by building your confidence and enhancing your personality. Students should, thus, learn to cultivate self-belief by striving sufficiently for their goals and believing that they can and they will.


Practice beats talent if talent doesn’t Practice. The more you practice the more you gain confidence and will come to know about your mistakes or weak points. Hence Practice is the Key!. . This will help you overcome exam stress and anxiety, thereby boosting your confidence and saving you from getting jitters when appearing in the real exam.

  1. Holistic development is the most important- Have you heard the saying too many cooks spoil the broth? This concept is applicable to education in India, too, where students are shuttled from one institution to the other like a football — school, specialized hobby classes, coaching centers, you name it. Students often feel too burnt out to be able to really process information properly. Furthermore, most students do not feel very comfortable in clarifying doubts and bridging learning gaps — most tuition centers and classrooms are crammed with too many students for this to be viable.

The harsh reality is traditional education in India is in need of a massive overhaul. Many parents have already come to terms with this fact. Yet, they tend to opt for online learning platforms as a supplement. However, not every child has the discipline to learn online when so many distractions are also a click of a button away.

So, what is the best way forward? The need of the hour is to create a holistic education system that combines education and technology, tradition and innovation!

Holistic education is essential for a vast array of reasons

  • It offers students a more thorough understanding of connections between different subject areas
  • It enables students to implement skill sets in practical situations
  • It empowers students to improve their communication skills
  • It enhances students’ critical thinking skills and rewards curiosity/innovation
  • It ensures learning is engaging, efficient and stress-free
  • It allows students to discover their real strengths
  • It creates a safe learning environment where no question is “stupid”
  • It boosts each student’s creativity and confidence

The world is evolving astonishingly quickly — there are more tools at each student’s disposal than ever before. In addition, gone are the days when there were only a handful of professions to choose from — nowadays, there are hundreds of new professions emerging, which require a different set of specialized skills.

Holistic education is important because it addresses the rapidly changing professional landscape; the entire approach of holistic education is to take into consideration each student’s unique needs. Holistic education transforms each child into a well-rounded young adult who is capable of drawing from different subject areas easily in the real-world.

If you want more from your child’s education, holistic education is your answer. In essence, holistic education addresses academic, social, psychological, and emotional development to the fullest. Holistic education doesn’t turn students into parrots who memorize facts and figures of core subjects blindly; it instead opens their minds to a world of offbeat topics and skill-sets that will enable them to stand the test of time in the workforce, eventually.

At SpeedLabs, we take a holistic approach to how we administer coaching. Our seasoned team of professionals helps each student improve their learning through a combination of hands-on mentoring, AI-powered insights/analytics, and tech-based learning activities that are fun. Students are encouraged to draw connections between different subject areas — we do not rely on archaic rote-based learning tactics. This is precisely why our students witness higher success rates on exams and so many parents share how much their children’s confidence has increased, too.

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning.