Wasting Time: A Habit Of Students And How To Overcome It?

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4 min readJun 22, 2021

Most of the students end up wasting time on their Social media or we can say they dedicate their life to social media and waste their time on it. For example, they are studying and at the time they get a message they immediately see the message and start chatting, wasting more time. Instead of doing this they should call them and talk on call which saves their time.

Gadgets are one of the major sources of distraction for college students. Surely, the internet has a lot to offer but instead of surfing social media for a major part of your day, it’s better to use it for constructive things like researching information for a college project.

In the latest research, the average time that a person spends per day on social media was calculated and it was concluded that we spend 40 minutes each day on YouTube, 35 minutes on Facebook, 25 minutes on Snapchat, 15 minutes on Instagram, and projected those figures out over a lifetime, arriving at a total of five years and four months.

So you will spend precisely half a decade of your life on social media alone. Scary, isn’t it?

Social media has become a necessity in today’s times so we won’t ask you to uninstall the apps but it’s advisable to keep a check on how much time you are spending on them. Suppose you have been online for about 20 mins but if you have done nothing but scrolled over memes, was that time worth it?

How do Students End Up Wasting Time?

Another student thing to do is is Wasting time between classes. There are a lot of instances when two lectures are hours apart and the students have no choice but to stay in the college because going out would mean that they would not be able to return in time.

The ones who live in the in-campus hostel can always go back and take a nap or rest in their rooms. But those who don’t have to figure out some way to spend this free time and more often than not, they waste it away chatting with friends in the college canteen.

Don’t you think that time could have been put to better use reading some book or maybe playing a sport. Now, here are some tips to avoid wasting time -

  • Go to the library and revise notes from the last class or do some leisure reading on a subject of your interest.
  • Play some sport or indulge in some other constructive activity that will help you in some way or the other.

Another one is sleeping too much. Some students sleep a lot and waste their time a lot. They rest most of the time and waste their time.

  • Students have to take rest but sleep only for 7–8 hours. That’s enough for their body and during exams 6–7 hours sleep is ok.
  • So if we manage our sleep hours efficiently and don’t give in to extra sleep/slouching then you save a lot of time.
  • Another one is watching TV, serials, movies which are time-wasting. We all know that some movies are not good, illogical/boring and not even worth watching but we still watch and waste our time on it. Always make sure that if you watch any movie or series it has to be worth watching otherwise, don’t watch it.
  • We all understand that we want to watch the movie for taking a break from studies from time to time. Try choosing movies which is either motivational or something which gives us a lesson. It has to be worth watching. Don’t get engrossed to series because once we are involved, we waste a lot of time watching it.

Most of the students end up wasting their time in unproductive activities that have no learning outcomes or benefits. They don’t know that time and tide wait for none. Students take a five-minute break while studying but by the time they return it’s already been an hour. Another one is that some students are not serious about time management. They set very high aims for themselves when it comes to studying in a fit of catch-up with the syllabus, or like in a lot of cases, just to pass the test the next morning. Pulling an all-nighters and trying to study for long hours without taking breaks is also inefficient.

This, in fact, is quite a bad practice as one can only concentrate fully for a limited period beyond that our brain stops absorbing any information whatsoever. This phenomenon is often termed study burnout. Also, make sure you have all your study essentials next to you before you settle down to study so as not to end up wasting time looking for them once you start studying.

Tips To Avoid Wasting Time:

Now how to avoid wasting time. Here are some tips-

  • It is advisable to take small and frequent breaks while studying so that you don’t end up wasting time gathering stuff or being distracted.
  • Study with full concentration when you do, so that you don’t have to give up on your sleep as lack of proper sleep also weakens your concentration and focus.
  • Rather than wasting time on social media, use it for something more constructive like revising the notes for the next lecture you have after the break. So keep a check of the amount of time you spend online and how much of it was spent doing constructive activities.

So here are some habits from which students end up wasting time a lot and also, how to avoid doing so.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in