What is Study Burnout and 8 Effective Tips on How to Overcome It?

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6 min readMay 24, 2021


Study burnout in the simplest we can say is the distraction of focus, this emotion contains physical and mental distraction in case the person disappears while studying and plans are not executed properly. Burnout is characterized by exhaustion and lack of personal accomplishment, sudden downfall of academics, performance, lack of motivation, inability to focus on tasks.

 how to overcome a study burnout

Here are some amazing tips to overcome these symptoms:

Plan disciplined study schedules

The plan of study schedule handling involves 2 ways of execution Target and Time. Management of both is essential to prevent a complete study burnout.

Targets are defined as which you need to do at any cost with concentration and without concentration because they directly affect your academic or a working result so, to handle this situation you can distribute big targets into a smaller target and divide it further the subdivide target required daily checking of completion and incompletion which helps you to complete your study as well as targets taking you to the completion of course.

Time: Time plays the biggest role in the study where you need to schedule the time. Also, your time management things will make you fresh every time that distributed with the targets. Both these things marched gives your target perfect execution. Time should be bifurcated in two slots; fixed slots and free slots.

Makes notes regularly with classes

Making notes regularly with a class will handle your solution. When you make notes you select and summarize the content and this allows deeper learning to take place. Classes and online learning materials bring an area of study together, making notes regularly with classes is very helpful for study purpose. You can clear your all doubts in live session.

Distraction Removal

This includes sitting in spots where nature and atmosphere. For your self-study you might talk during the lecture but avoid it during live classroom or notes making purpose.

Listing your notes

Listing your notes by the days, date, and topic wise it is also a good idea to keep information from different dated and separated or to being each class.

Makes notes clear and accurate

it is not uncommon to forget key details discussed during class after it has ended, accurate notes are very helpful for the exam to find later that they can’t recall what it was they needed to remember.

The Review

A review will help better understand the lecture and your notes will allow you to focus on what you just learned for long-term retention. This can prevent long term study burnout.

Keep notes short and sweet

Short notes are directly for the purpose of understanding because it contains short words with the meaningful understanding. You can describe short length topic very beautifully in exams. Put a label on it, some students using colorful pens or a highlighter to put things to memory and with bifurcation of labels you can easily find out the topic which saves your running out time. Some methods are also helpful like a flowchart, underline methods, topic methods, etc.

Find out your comfort

A stable place to study

Every student has their special corner whenever talking about indoor and outdoor which is required for involvement in studies. The comfortable place of study plays a big role when it comes to retaining information. Being comfortable in a study space is about finding a balance between study and concentration.

Always stocking your area

If you are going to spend endless hours AT YOUR DESK you should always stock that area it is always recommended that you have sufficient sources available in your area this will help you get through all of those late-night sessions.

Keep your place neat and tidy

You always make sure that your reserve place remains neat and tidy that helps you to study in a fresh environment and that creates more concentration and focus on your study.

Avoid people

If you want to study peacefully and for an effective result you have to avoid people and also crowded places make sure you find a quiet study space.

Forget about your distracted items

Your cell phone must be a great distraction for your studies while study it is very important to stay off your phone if you trust yourself so keep it on and then you can achieve your goal very smoothly.



Libraries are made for study and student the environment of library contents noise-free and distraction-free zone also the availability of material you have plenty of options to choose your favorite study material as well as your comfy place.

Coffee Houses

Today’s time coffee houses also provide you a peaceful environment where you can choose your favorite corner. This environment can alleviate stress and long-term study burnout.


Silence is a key factor of the museum there are no noisy places available. The goal is to find a study environment that will help you to focus and process that study material well.

Make a Plan for everything: From your Studies to Free Time

For this segment-first, you need to create a timetable the timetable handle your action from time to time the time is the most valuable thing we have seizing the day will give you worthful results at the end of the day this is why it makes sense for students.

Prepare your Monthly Timetable

The timetable of monthly handling your subjects, topics as well as your free time tasks which help you to rid all the stress from your mind you should update your timetable as per your study required.

Identify your priorities

It sounds easy but do you actually feel that studies contain priorities, yes while studies we should know where we are facing a lack of understanding about the study. This is a really important goal.

Plan your free time

Since you already have made time table to organize your tasks you should take your free time or resting time very seriously your hobbies also be can well structure to maximize your personal time the free time reduce your stress levels and enjoying your hobbies and spending time with people has positive results on our mood. Things you can also do in your free time are: meet up with friends, meditate, a short outing, joining the sport club. There are plenty of useful ideas about how to spend and what to do in your free time. You only need to choose what is your hobby and how it remains stress-free from your studies.

Eat Healthy

Healthy eating is always worthwhile for your studies. The choices you make always affect your studies because they are heavy, making you sleepy and non-productive. although an overall healthy diet is most important for keeping your body and brain nourished and ready to take difficult tasks. it always matters that while studying your mental performance will be upgraded. your food always contains fiber, omega 3, choose whole grains, etc.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise improves memory, faster learning, prolonged mental stamina, enhances creativity, stress-free study. It takes your attention from the nature of task and makes you focus on the goal, preventing a study burnout. You also experience increased energy and productivity when you exercise regularly.

study burnout study burnout study burnout study burnout study burnout study burnout

Originally published at Speedlabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in