Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2021

Education is one of the sectors hardest hit by the COVID-19 lockdown with social distancing measures meaning schools could be closed for the foreseeable future. However, thanks to technology-enabled online learning, teachers are still able to continue teaching and students do not lag behind. And while this is good news, many educators face new challenges due to this switch to remote learning, and for some, it takes time to accustom.

Technological advantages of pursuing online learning

Technology opens up a new space for learning where students are allowed more freedom, and teachers are guides in an exciting new world of almost infinite knowledge.

  • Collaborative learning

Without effective collaboration between learners and teachers, students often lose motivation due to the perceived lack of community and sense of shared learning. This is why it is critical to use various forms of online interaction, from text messages and video conferencing to collaborative interactive projects and the latest online platforms, to support students and keep them engaged.

  • Better participation

Remote teaching gives learners flexibility you won’t find in the traditional classroom setting. Instead of having all students participate simultaneously, teachers can schedule separate group or individual lessons, give personalized content, and always stay in touch.

  • Better engagement

Online distance learning allows you to move from static learning materials to more dynamic interactive media content. Another benefit of technology in learning is that students often learn faster when they are not only listening to the teacher and reading textbooks but also participating in engaging academic activity. That’s why it’s a great idea to encourage learning using short quizzes, exercises with elements of gamification, interactive apps, and more.

One of the examples of such a platform is Speedlabs.in

  • Better assessment

You can use various interactive tests and multiple-choice quizzes to quickly and easily check student knowledge. Utilize online grading tools to organize your grade book, see overall marks for every student, and empower them to follow their success.

A personalized and better assessment system is Speedlabs.in

  • Adaptation of new technologies

Information technology in education provides a large variety of new methods for teachers. Mobile educational apps, collaborative platforms, learning analytics, and so many more innovative tools and approaches make the learning process much more appealing for both student and teacher.

Emerging AI can provide a better platform to learn and explore new things.

From what we’ve seen so far, technology in education is more than just the latest trend. Instead, it’s a powerful tool capable of greatly enriching teachers’ work and being thoroughly engaging for students. However, like any tool, technology requires a sensible, balanced approach. The good news is there’s so much room for experiments, every teacher can find the approach that works best.

Some considerable benefits of online learning

  • Online learning opens a window for students to get the opportunity to have one on one interactions with their professors to understand their areas of strengths and weaknesses. A child’s uniqueness and specialty can not just be understood but also valued due to the attention he/she receives from online learning.
  • As each child has their own strengths and weaknesses the tutor is able to custom design the lessons in order to work on areas of improvement for the learner. The customization in online learning is tailor-made to the concepts that the child is struggling with and hence the tutor is able to design lessons in a manner that maximizes the students potential’s with new and interactive methods of learning that is suited to the individuals grasping power and ability to understand.
  • Online tuitions give the liberty to choose the best convenient time possible for the tutor as well as the student. This learning method promotes suitability and flexibility for both the student and the tutor in terms of time as well as space. The flexible time tables enable a child to focus not just on studies but also extracurricular activities helping them achieve a perfect balance.
  • Students can pretty much work on their online learning courses right from the comfort and leisure of their own homes.
  • Students do not need to be physically present in any physical class in an online learning environment.
  • Traditional students, on the other hand, need to travel and reach their classes on time to attend it.
  • If you are willing to get into an online school, you must know that these virtual courses require more self-motivation and self-discipline. You need to be motivated all by yourself since your teachers will not intervene or poke you to complete your daily course on time.
  • You need to find effective ways to keep the drive alive every single day. Thus, you pretty much need to be an independent learner. However, this internal change takes time to develop and that is absolutely normal. You should just be willing to change.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in