Cost-Sharing and Pharmacy BenefitsHealthcare spending in the United States grew 9.7% in 2020 alone, reaching a total cost of $4.1 trillion — or roughly $12,530 per person…Nov 11, 2022Nov 11, 2022
Beyond the patient portalHow can we leverage technology to engage patients and encourage them to be active partners in their health?Jul 5, 2020Jul 5, 2020
GluCoach AssistA consumer health informatics project reimaging diabetes management for older adults age 55–75 with Type-1 diabetes.Apr 28, 2019Apr 28, 2019
Published inPrototyprAn Ethical Obligation for the Digital Age of HealthcareExpanding the code of ethics and the principle of “do no harm” within the social and technical context of healthcare to designersMar 18, 2019Mar 18, 2019
Thoughts on Responsible NGO ManagementWhy Stakeholder Engagement & Collaboration is ImportantAug 14, 2018Aug 14, 2018
Published inPrototyprDesigning for Global Health ChallengesProduct design considerations for global health technologyAug 17, 20171Aug 17, 20171
Published inPrototyprOn-Boarding — Everyone’s Favorite Thing.A quick look at increasing conversions and customer engagementMay 24, 2017May 24, 2017
Published inPrototyprTelemedicine — The Future of HealthcareAn industry overview and snapshot of the mHealth MarketMay 22, 20171May 22, 20171
Monitoring and Evaluation in Public HealthOutcomes are Essential for Successful InitiativesMay 20, 2017May 20, 2017
Notes on Various Aspects of Urban Health…or a text heavy post on some thoughts related to itMay 20, 2017May 20, 2017