A Simple Solution to Twitter’s (lack of an) Edit Button

Why is there no edit button?

Spencer York
3 min readJan 25, 2019

Twitter is arguably one of the greatest creations of the 21st century. Ever since it’s public release in 2006, they have grown exponentially and have worked to continually improve their social media platform. They have grown to over 326 million monthly users that post on average 500 million TWEETS A DAY (don’t humans have something better to do?). However, no matter how many features they add to their platform, there still seems to be one key feature missing — the ability to edit a tweet after you publish it.

Photo by Benjamin Dada on Unsplash

If we have learned anything from President Trump’s Twitter account, it is the fact that humans often make many spelling and grammatical errors when tweeting. It is a common mistake made by many users every day. Imagine if we had the ability to correct these mistakes without having to delete the original tweet and make a new one. It is so common that this idea has become a largely debated topic on Twitter. However, no matter how many times people attempt to call out Twitter asking/begging for an edit button, Twitter won’t seem to budge on the issue.

So why won’t Twitter add an edit button?

If you take a look at other social media platforms, such as Instagram, it took them a while, but they…

