Spencer Thayer
3 min readMar 3, 2017


Jesus. You just vacillate from one irrelevant topic to the next like Trump.

Most of the Guccifer and Wikileaks stuff was BS. I remind you it spawned the BS “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory.

You’re very good a solipsistic correlations. Right wing idiots extracting from the massive trove of information a bullshit conspiracy theory doesn’t invalidate the trove of information. If that were the case then climate denialists would invalidate climate data. I’m not interested in wasting any more of my time with this nonsense argument, so I won’t expand any more on that thought.

“News statements about Sanders’ stands on income inequality, the minimum wage, student debt, and trade agreements were more than three-to-one positive over negative. That ratio far exceeded those of other top candidates, Republican or Democratic.”

YEAH! No shit! That’s what progressive’s have been saying since the beginning of the Primary. The topics of income inequality, the minimum wage, student debt, and trade agreements are popular with the American people! The fact that Clinton refused to express a populist message on those topics would indicate why she failed to win in the general election.

…none of Sanders’s scandals got any attention… attending a Sandinista rally in 1985 …

Because those “scandals” were either not really scandals at all or were actually really popular with voters like attending a Sandinista rally. Believe it or not but people thing the FSLN are fucking cool. Why? Because they fucking are. When they took power in 1981 they instituted a policy of mass literacy, devoted significant resources to health care, and promoted gender equality. That’s pretty bad, ass. They even killed a bunch of fascist and capitalist swine in the process, so that makes them even better. So yeah, Sanders attended one of their rallies. GOOD ON HIM.

By the way, the American’s (Reagan) were in fact supporting “state terrorism” by way of arming Iran. So when Nicaraguan’s exclaim, “Here, there, everywhere/the Yankee will die,” they are in the right.

You’re a typical Democrat. So indoctrinated into American exceptionalism you can’t even accept the world for how it really is.

…being on unemployment until his mid-30s…

NOT A SCANDAL. Yeah, big fucking deal. People pay into unemployment and when they are unemployed they should use it.

…Vermont’s nuclear waste to a poor…

NOT A SCANDAL. That didn’t gain ANY traction because at the end of the day the decision was out of Sander’s hands — it was Texas controlled legislation he just either signed on to or didn’t.

…he violated campaign finance laws…

NOT A SCANDAL. Actually, that’s not factually accurate. The FEC gave Sanders a “Notice” that didnt’ necessarily implicate the campaign in any illegal activity. Nor did it at all suggest that Sanders’s presidential bid is built on financial fraud. The FEC stated there were a number of questionable donors whose amount of excessive or invalid contributions only represented a small fraction of the more than $200 million Sanders has collected from more than 2.4 million people. Your kind just made a big deal about a single letter which was a first step in a lengthy process of resolving the problem. Which, by the way, was resolved to the FECs satisfaction.

…criticized Clinton for supporting the 1994 crime bill that HE voted for…

NOT A SCANDAL. He voted for it because he wanted to support the violence against women act. You can just hear Sanders in his own words on the subject.

…HE voted for, and he voted against the Amber Alert system…

NOT A SCANDAL. Bernie has stated that he is a strong supporter of the Amber Alert program. The reason he voted against the bill was because it had unconstitutional riders attached, particularly the sentencing provisions that Bernie felt took power away from the judiciary branch.

Even his pitch for universal health care would have been used against him too…

NOT A SCANDAL. Also bullshit speculation.

I don’t know why I bothered. You’re a total waste of time. How do I mute someone on Medium? Anyway, I’ll leave you with this final thought.

Refusal by Democrats to acknowledge Clinton’s issues is one of the many reasons she lost, combined with the fact progressives overwhelmingly rejected her.

